OSXPhotos Python Reference

__init__.py for osxphotos

class osxphotos.AlbumInfo(db, uuid)[source]

Info about a specific Album, contains all the details about the album including folders, photos, etc.


Return album info as a dict; does not include photos

property folder_list

Returns list of FolderInfo objects for each folder the album is contained in or empty list if album is not in any folders

property folder_names

Return hierarchical list of folders the album is contained in the folder list is in form: [“Top level folder”, “sub folder 1”, “sub folder 2”, …] or empty list if album is not in any folders

property parent

returns FolderInfo object for parent folder or None if no parent (e.g. top-level album)


return index of photo in album (based on album sort order)

property photos

return list of photos contained in album sorted in same sort order as Photos

property sort_order

return sort order of album

property title

return title / name of album

class osxphotos.AlbumSortOrder(value, names=<not given>, *values, module=None, qualname=None, type=None, start=1, boundary=None)[source]

Album Sort Order

class osxphotos.CommentInfo(datetime: datetime, user: str, ismine: bool, text: str)[source]

Class for shared photo comments

class osxphotos.ExifInfo(flash_fired: bool | None = None, iso: int | None = None, metering_mode: int | None = None, sample_rate: int | None = None, track_format: int | None = None, white_balance: int | None = None, aperture: float | None = None, bit_rate: float | None = None, duration: float | None = None, exposure_bias: float | None = None, focal_length: float | None = None, fps: float | None = None, latitude: float | None = None, longitude: float | None = None, shutter_speed: float | None = None, camera_make: str | None = None, camera_model: str | None = None, codec: str | None = None, lens_model: str | None = None, date: datetime | None = None, tzoffset: int | None = None, tzname: str | None = None)[source]

Original EXIF info associated with a photo from the Photos library

class osxphotos.ExifTool(filepath, exiftool=None, overwrite=True, flags=None, large_file_support=True)[source]

Basic exiftool interface for reading and writing EXIF tags

addvalues(tag, *values)[source]
Add one or more value(s) to tag

If more than one value is passed, each value will be added to the tag

  • tag – str; tag to set

  • *values – str; one or more values to set


True if success otherwise False

If error generated by exiftool, returns False and sets self.error to error string If warning generated by exiftool, returns True (unless there was also an error) and sets self.warning to warning string If called in context manager, returns True (execution is delayed until exiting context manager)

Notes: exiftool may add duplicate values for some tags so the caller must ensure

the values being added are not already in the EXIF data For some tags, such as IPTC:Keywords, this will add a new value to the list of keywords, but for others, such as EXIF:ISO, this will literally add a value to the existing value. It’s up to the caller to know what exiftool will do for each tag If setvalue called before addvalues, exiftool does not appear to add duplicates, but if addvalues called without first calling setvalue, exiftool will add duplicate values

asdict(tag_groups=True, normalized=False)[source]

return dictionary of all EXIF tags and values from exiftool returns empty dict if no tags

  • tag_groups – if True (default), dict keys have tag groups, e.g. “IPTC:Keywords”; if False, drops groups from keys, e.g. “Keywords”

  • normalized – if True, dict keys are all normalized to lower case (default is False)


returns JSON string containing all EXIF tags and values from exiftool

property pid

return process id (PID) of the exiftool process

run_commands(*commands, no_file=False)[source]

Run commands in the exiftool process and return result.

  • *commands – exiftool commands to run

  • no_file – (bool) do not pass the filename to exiftool (default=False) by default, all commands will be run against self.file use no_file=True to run a command without passing the filename


(output, warning, error) output: bytes is containing output of exiftool commands warning: if exiftool generated warnings, string containing warning otherwise empty string error: if exiftool generated errors, string containing otherwise empty string

Note: Also sets self.warning and self.error if warning or error generated.

setvalue(tag: str, value: Any)[source]

Set tag to value(s); if value is None, will delete tag

  • tag – str; name of tag to set

  • value – Any; value to set tag to


True if success otherwise False

If error generated by exiftool, returns False and sets self.error to error string If warning generated by exiftool, returns True (unless there was also an error) and sets self.warning to warning string If called in context manager, returns True (execution is delayed until exiting context manager)

property version

returns exiftool version

class osxphotos.ExifWriter(photo: PhotoInfo)[source]

Write EXIF & other metadata to files using exiftool for a Photo asset


photo – PhotoInfo, the photo object to write metadata for

exiftool_dict(options: ExifOptions | None = None, filename: str | None = None)[source]
Return dict of EXIF details for building exiftool JSON sidecar or sending commands to ExifTool.

Does not include all the EXIF fields as those are likely already in the image.

  • options (ExifOptions) – options for export

  • filename (str) – name of source image file (without path); if not None, exiftool JSON signature will be included; if None, signature will not be included

Returns: dict with exiftool tags / values

Exports the following:

EXIF:ImageDescription (may include template) XMP:Description (may include template) XMP:Title IPTC:ObjectName XMP:TagsList (may include album name, person name, or template) IPTC:Keywords (may include album name, person name, or template) IPTC:Caption-Abstract XMP:Subject (set to keywords + persons) XMP:PersonInImage EXIF:GPSLatitudeRef, EXIF:GPSLongitudeRef EXIF:GPSLatitude, EXIF:GPSLongitude EXIF:GPSPosition EXIF:DateTimeOriginal EXIF:SubSecTimeOriginal EXIF:OffsetTimeOriginal (UTC offset for DateTimeOriginal) EXIF:ModifyDate EXIF:SubSecTime EXIF:OffsetTime (UTC offset for ModifyDate) IPTC:DateCreated IPTC:TimeCreated QuickTime:CreationDate QuickTime:ContentCreateDate QuickTime:CreateDate (UTC) QuickTime:ModifyDate (UTC) QuickTime:GPSCoordinates UserData:GPSCoordinates XMP:Rating XMP:RegionAppliedToDimensionsW XMP:RegionAppliedToDimensionsH XMP:RegionAppliedToDimensionsUnit XMP:RegionName XMP:RegionType XMP:RegionAreaX XMP:RegionAreaY XMP:RegionAreaW XMP:RegionAreaH XMP:RegionAreaUnit XMP:RegionPersonDisplayName



exiftool_json_sidecar(options: ExifOptions | None = None, tag_groups: bool = True, filename: str | None = None) str[source]
Return JSON string of EXIF details for building exiftool JSON sidecar or sending commands to ExifTool.

Does not include all the EXIF fields as those are likely already in the image.

  • options (ExifOptions) – options for export

  • tag_groups (bool, default=True) – if True, include tag groups in the output

  • filename (str) – name of target image file (without path); if not None, exiftool JSON signature will be included; if None, signature will not be included

Returns: JSON string for dict with exiftool tags / values

Exports the following:

EXIF:ImageDescription (may include template) XMP:Description (may include template) XMP:Title IPTC:ObjectName XMP:TagsList (may include album name, person name, or template) IPTC:Keywords (may include album name, person name, or template) IPTC:Caption-Abstract XMP:Subject (set to keywords + persons) XMP:PersonInImage EXIF:GPSLatitudeRef, EXIF:GPSLongitudeRef EXIF:GPSLatitude, EXIF:GPSLongitude EXIF:GPSPosition EXIF:DateTimeOriginal EXIF:SubSecTimeOriginal EXIF:OffsetTimeOriginal (UTC offset for DateTimeOriginal) EXIF:ModifyDate EXIF:SubSecTime EXIF:OffsetTime (UTC offset for ModifyDate) IPTC:DateCreated IPTC:TimeCreated QuickTime:CreationDate QuickTime:ContentCreateDate QuickTime:CreateDate (UTC) QuickTime:ModifyDate (UTC) QuickTime:GPSCoordinates UserData:GPSCoordinates XMP:Rating XMP:RegionAppliedToDimensionsW XMP:RegionAppliedToDimensionsH XMP:RegionAppliedToDimensionsUnit XMP:RegionName XMP:RegionType XMP:RegionAreaX XMP:RegionAreaY XMP:RegionAreaW XMP:RegionAreaH XMP:RegionAreaUnit XMP:RegionPersonDisplayName

write_exif_data(filepath: str | Path, options: ExifOptions)[source]

Write exif data to image file at filepath


options (ExifOptions) – options controlling what data is written


(warning, error) of warning and error strings if exiftool produces warnings or errors

class osxphotos.ExportDB(dbfile: str | PathLike, export_dir: str | PathLike | None, version: str | None = None)[source]

Interface to sqlite3 database used to store state information for osxphotos export command

  • dbfile – path to osxphotos export database file

  • export_dir – path to directory where exported files are stored; if None will read value from database

  • version – if supplied, creates database with this version; otherwise uses current version; (must be >= “4.3” and <= OSXPHOTOS_EXPORTDB_VERSION) For testing only; in normal usage, omit this argument

Note: export_dir = None must only be used when opening an existing database to read and not to export


close the database connection

property connection: Connection

returns sqlite3 connection

create_file_record(filename: str | PathLike, uuid: str) ExportRecord[source]

create a new record for filename and uuid

Returns: an ExportRecord object

create_or_get_file_record(filename: str | PathLike, uuid: str) ExportRecord[source]

create a new record for filename and uuid or return existing record

Returns: an ExportRecord object

delete_data_for_filepath(filepath: str | PathLike)[source]

Delete all exportdb data for given filepath

delete_data_for_uuid(uuid: str)[source]

Delete all exportdb data for given UUID

property export_dir: str

returns path to export directory

get_export_results(run: int = 0) 'osxphotos.photoexporter.ExportResults' | None[source]

Retrieve export results from database

  • run (-1 = previous) – which run to retrieve results for;

  • run

  • run

  • that (-2 = run prior to)

  • etc.


ExportResults object or None if no results found


Returns tuple of (uuid, filepath) for all paths of all exported files tracked in the database

get_file_record(filename: str | os.PathLike) 'ExportRecord' | None[source]

get info for filename

Returns: an ExportRecord object or None if filename not found

get_files_for_uuid(uuid: str) list[str][source]

query database for UUID and return list of files associated with UUID or empty list

get_history(filepath: str | PathLike | None = None, uuid: str | None = None)[source]

Get history for a filepath or uuid

  • filepath – path to file

  • uuid – UUID of file


list of history records

get_last_export_directory() str | None[source]

Return the last export directory from the database

get_photoinfo_for_uuid(uuid: str) str | None[source]

returns the photoinfo JSON string for a UUID or None if not found


returns list of UUIDs of previously exported photos found in export database

get_target_for_file(uuid: str, filename: str | PathLike) str | None[source]
query database for file matching file name and return the matching filename if there is one;

otherwise return None; looks for file.ext, file (1).ext, file (2).ext and so on to find the actual target name that was used to export filename

Returns: the matching filename or None if no match found

get_uuid_for_file(filename: str) str | None[source]

query database for filename and return UUID returns None if filename not found in database

property path: str

returns path to export database

set_config(config_data: str)[source]

set config in the database

set_export_results(results: ExportResults)[source]

Store export results in database; data is pickled and gzipped for storage

set_history(filename: str | PathLike, uuid: str, action: str, diff: str | None)[source]

Set the history record for the filepath

  • filename – path to file

  • action – action taken on file, e.g. “exported”, “skipped”, “missing”, “updated”

  • diff – diff for file as a serialized JSON str

set_photoinfo_for_uuid(uuid: str, info: str)[source]

sets the photoinfo JSON string for a UUID

class osxphotos.ExportDBTemp(version: str | None = None)[source]

Temporary in-memory version of ExportDB


version – if supplied, creates database with this version; otherwise uses current version; (must be >= “4.3” and <= OSXPHOTOS_EXPORTDB_VERSION) For testing only; in normal usage, omit this argument

class osxphotos.ExportOptions(convert_to_jpeg: bool = False, description_template: str | None = None, download_missing: bool = False, dry_run: bool = False, edited: bool = False, exiftool_flags: list[str] | None = None, exiftool: bool = False, export_as_hardlink: bool = False, export_db: ExportDB | None = None, face_regions: bool = True, fileutil: FileUtil | None = None, force_update: bool = False, ignore_date_modified: bool = False, ignore_signature: bool = False, increment: bool = True, jpeg_ext: str | None = None, jpeg_quality: float = 1.0, keyword_template: list[str] | None = None, live_photo: bool = False, location: bool = True, merge_exif_keywords: bool = False, merge_exif_persons: bool = False, overwrite: bool = False, persons: bool = True, preview_suffix: str = '_preview', preview: bool = False, raw_photo: bool = False, render_options: RenderOptions | None = None, replace_keywords: bool = False, rich: bool = False, export_aae: bool = False, sidecar_drop_ext: bool = False, sidecar: int = 0, strip: bool = False, timeout: int = 120, touch_file: bool = False, update: bool = False, update_errors: bool = False, use_albums_as_keywords: bool = False, use_persons_as_keywords: bool = False, use_photokit: bool = False, use_photos_export: bool = False, verbose: Callable[[Any], Any] | None = None, tmpdir: str | None = None, favorite_rating: bool = False, fix_orientation: bool = False)[source]

Options class for exporting photos with export


if True, converts non-jpeg images to jpeg




Optional template string that will be rendered for use as photo description




(bool, default=False): if True will attempt to export photo via applescript interaction with Photos if missing (see also use_photokit, use_photos_export)




(bool, default=False): set to True to run in “dry run” mode




(bool, default=False): if True will export the edited version of the photo otherwise exports the original version




Optional list of flags to pass to exiftool when using exiftool option, e.g [“-m”, “-F”]


list of str


(bool, default = False): if True, will use exiftool to write metadata to export file



(bool, default=False): if True, will hardlink files instead of copying them




(ExportDB): instance of a class that conforms to ExportDB with methods for getting/setting data related to exported files to compare update state


osxphotos.export_db.ExportDB | None


(bool, default=True): if True, will export face regions




(FileUtilABC): class that conforms to FileUtilABC with various file utilities


osxphotos.fileutil.FileUtil | None


(bool, default=False): if True, will export photo if any metadata has changed but export otherwise would not be triggered (e.g. metadata changed but not using exiftool)




for use with sidecar and exiftool; if True, sets EXIF:ModifyDate to EXIF:DateTimeOriginal even if date_modified is set




ignore file signature when used with update (look only at filename)


bool, default=False


if True, will increment file name until a non-existant name is found if overwrite=False and increment=False, export will fail if destination file already exists


bool, default=True


if set, will use this value for extension on jpegs converted to jpeg with convert_to_jpeg; if not set, uses jpeg; do not include the leading “.”




a value of 1.0 specifies use best quality, a value of 0.0 specifies use maximum compression.


float in range 0.0 <= jpeg_quality <= 1.0


list of template strings that will be rendered as used as keywords


list of str


if True, will also export the associated .mov for live photos


bool, default=False


if True, include location in exported metadata




if True, merged keywords found in file’s exif data (requires exiftool)




if True, merged persons found in file’s exif data (requires exiftool)




if True will overwrite files if they already exist


bool, default=False


if True, include persons in exported metadata




Optional string to append to end of filename for preview images




if True, also exports preview image




if True, will also export the associated RAW photo


bool, default=False


Optional osxphotos.phototemplate.RenderOptions instance to specify options for rendering templates




if True, keyword_template replaces any keywords, otherwise it’s additive




if True, will use rich markup with verbose output




if True, also exports adjustments as .AAE file




if True, drops the photo’s extension from sidecar filename (e.g. ‘IMG_1234.json’ instead of ‘IMG_1234.JPG.json’)


bool, default=False


bit field (int): set to one or more of SIDECAR_XMP, SIDECAR_JSON, SIDECAR_EXIFTOOL - SIDECAR_JSON: if set will write a json sidecar with data in format readable by exiftool sidecar filename will be dest/filename.json; includes exiftool tag group names (e.g. exiftool -G -j) - SIDECAR_EXIFTOOL: if set will write a json sidecar with data in format readable by exiftool sidecar filename will be dest/filename.json; does not include exiftool tag group names (e.g. exiftool -j) - SIDECAR_XMP: if set will write an XMP sidecar with IPTC data sidecar filename will be dest/filename.xmp




if True, strip whitespace from rendered templates




timeout in seconds used with use_photos_export


int, default=120


if True, sets file’s modification time upon photo date


bool, default=False


if True export will run in update mode, that is, it will not export the photo if the current version already exists in the destination


bool, default=False


if True photos that previously produced a warning or error will be re-exported; otherwise they will note be


bool, default=False


if True, will include album names in keywords when exporting metadata with exiftool or sidecar


bool, default = False


if True, will include person names in keywords when exporting metadata with exiftool or sidecar


bool, default = False


if True will attempt to export photo via applescript interaction with Photos even if not missing (see also use_photokit, download_missing)


bool, default=False


if True, will use photokit to export photos when use_photos_export is True


bool, default=False


optional callable function to use for printing verbose text during processing; if None (default), does not print output.




(str, default=None): Optional directory to use for temporary files, if None (default) uses system tmp directory


str | None


if True, set XMP:Rating=5 for favorite images and XMP:Rating=0 for non-favorites




if True, will adjust image orientation based on exif data if necessary



property bit_flags

Return bit flags representing options that affect export

class osxphotos.ExportResults(converted_to_jpeg: list[str] | None = None, deleted_directories: list[str] | None = None, deleted_files: list[str] | None = None, error: list[str] | None = None, exif_updated: list[str] | None = None, exiftool_error: list[tuple[str, str]] | None = None, exiftool_warning: list[tuple[str, str]] | None = None, exported: list[str] | None = None, exported_album: list[tuple[str, str]] | None = None, metadata_changed: list[str] | None = None, missing: list[str] | None = None, missing_album: list[tuple[str, str]] | None = None, new: list[str] | None = None, aae_written: list[str] | None = None, aae_skipped: list[str] | None = None, sidecar_exiftool_skipped: list[str] | None = None, sidecar_exiftool_written: list[str] | None = None, sidecar_json_skipped: list[str] | None = None, sidecar_json_written: list[str] | None = None, sidecar_xmp_skipped: list[str] | None = None, sidecar_xmp_written: list[str] | None = None, sidecar_user_written: list[str] | None = None, sidecar_user_skipped: list[str] | None = None, sidecar_user_error: list[tuple[str, str]] | None = None, skipped: list[str] | None = None, skipped_album: list[tuple[str, str]] | None = None, to_touch: list[str] | None = None, touched: list[str] | None = None, updated: list[str] | None = None, xattr_skipped: list[str] | None = None, xattr_written: list[str] | None = None, user_written: list[str] | None = None, user_skipped: list[str] | None = None, user_error: list[tuple[str, str]] | None = None)[source]

Results class which holds export results for export

  • converted_to_jpeg – list of files converted to jpeg

  • deleted_directories – list of directories deleted

  • deleted_files – list of files deleted

  • error – list of tuples of (filename, error) for any errors generated during export

  • exif_updated – list of files where exif data was updated with exiftool

  • exiftool_error – list of tuples of (filename, error) for any errors generated by exiftool

  • exiftool_warning – list of tuples of (filename, warning) for any warnings generated by exiftool

  • exported – list of files exported

  • exported_album – list of tuples of (file, album) for any files exported to an album

  • metadata_changed – list of filenames that had metadata changes since last export

  • missing – list of files that were missing

  • missing_album – list of tuples of (file, album) for any files that were missing from an album

  • new – list of files that were new

  • aae_written – list of files where .AAE file was written

  • aae_skipped – list of files where .AAE file was written

  • sidecar_exiftool_skipped – list of files where exiftool sidecar was skipped

  • sidecar_exiftool_written – list of files where exiftool sidecar was written

  • sidecar_json_skipped – list of files where json sidecar was skipped

  • sidecar_json_written – list of files where json sidecar was written

  • sidecar_xmp_skipped – list of files where xmp sidecar was skipped

  • sidecar_xmp_written – list of files where xmp sidecar was written

  • sidecar_user_written – list of files where user sidecar was written

  • sidecar_user_skipped – list of files where user sidecar was skipped

  • sidecar_user_error – list of tuples of (filename, error) for any errors generated by user sidecar

  • skipped – list of files that were skipped

  • skipped_album – list of tuples of (file, album) for any files that were skipped from an album

  • to_touch – list of files that were touched

  • touched – list of files that were touched

  • updated – list of files that were updated

  • xattr_skipped – list of files where xattr was skipped

  • xattr_written – list of files where xattr was written

  • user_written – list of files written by user post_function

  • user_skipped – list of files skipped by user post_function

  • user_error – list of tuples of (filename, error) for any errors generated by user post_function


Each attribute is a list of files or None if no files for that attribute. Error and warning attributes are a list of tuples of (filename, error) where filename is the file that caused the error and error is the error message. Album attributes are a list of tuples of (file, album) where file is the file exported and album is the album it was exported to. ExportResults can be added together with the += operator to combine results as the export progresses.

all_files() list[str][source]

return all filenames contained in results

property attributes: list[str]

Return list of attributes tracked by ExportResults

property datetime: str

Return datetime when ExportResults was created

class osxphotos.FaceInfo(db=None, pk=None)[source]

Info about a face in the Photos library


Returns dict representation of class instance

property center

Coordinates, in PIL format, for center of face


tuple of coordinates in form (x, y)

Get face rectangle coordinates for current version of the associated image

If image has been edited, rectangle applies to edited version, otherwise original version Coordinates in format and reference frame used by PIL


list [(x0, x1), (y0, y1)] of coordinates in reference frame used by PIL


Return JSON representation of FaceInfo instance

property mpri_reg_rect

Get coordinates for Microsoft Photo Region Rectangle.


x = x coordinate of top left corner of rectangle y = y coordinate of top left corner of rectangle h = height of rectangle w = width of rectangle

Return type:

MPRI_Reg_Rect named tuple with x, y, h, w where



property mwg_rs_area

Get coordinates for Metadata Working Group Region Area.


x = stArea:x y = stArea:y h = stArea:h w = stArea:w

Return type:

MWG_RS_Area named tuple with x, y, h, w where



property person_info

PersonInfo instance for person associated with this face

property photo

PhotoInfo instance associated with this face

property pitch

Return pitch angle in radians of the face region

property roll

Return roll angle in radians of the face region


Roll, pitch, yaw of face in radians as tuple

property size_pixels

Size of face in pixels (centered around center_x, center_y)


size, in int pixels, of a circle drawn around the center of the face

property yaw

Return yaw angle in radians of the face region

class osxphotos.FileUtil[source]

Various file utilities

class osxphotos.FileUtilNoOp(verbose=None)[source]

No-Op implementation of FileUtil for testing / dry-run mode all methods with exception of tmpdir, cmp, cmp_file_sig and file_cmp are no-op cmp and cmp_file_sig functions as FileUtil methods do file_cmp returns mock data

classmethod convert_to_jpeg(src_file, dest_file, compression_quality=1.0)[source]

converts image file src_file to jpeg format as dest_file

  • src_file – image file to convert

  • dest_file – destination path to write converted file to

  • quality (compression) – JPEG compression quality in range 0.0 <= compression_quality <= 1.0; default 1.0 (best quality)


True if success, otherwise False

classmethod copy(src, dest)[source]

Copies a file from src path to dest path using shutil.copy

  • src – source path as string; must be a valid file path

  • dest – destination path as string dest may be either directory or file; in either case, src file must not exist in dest

  • Note – src and dest may be either a string or a pathlib.Path object


True if copy succeeded

  • OSError if copy fails

  • TypeError if either path is None

classmethod file_sig(file1)[source]

return os.stat signature for file f1 as tuple of (mode, size, mtime)

Hardlinks a file from src path to dest path src: source path as string dest: destination path as string Raises exception if linking fails or either path is None

classmethod rename(src, dest)[source]

Copy src to dest

  • src – path to source file

  • dest – path to destination file


Name of renamed file (dest)

classmethod rmdir(dest)[source]

remove directory filepath; dirpath must be empty

classmethod tmpdir(prefix: str | None = None, dir: str | None = None) TemporaryDirectory[source]

Securely creates a temporary directory using the same rules as mkdtemp(). The resulting object can be used as a context manager. On completion of the context or destruction of the temporary directory object, the newly created temporary directory and all its contents are removed from the filesystem.

unlink filepath; if it’s pathlib.Path, use Path.unlink, otherwise use os.unlink

classmethod utime(path, times)[source]

Set the access and modified time of path.

class osxphotos.FolderInfo(db=None, uuid=None)[source]

Info about a specific folder, contains all the details about the folder including folders, albums, etc

property album_info

return list of albums (as AlbumInfo objects) contained in the folder


Return folder info as a dict

property parent

returns FolderInfo object for parent or None if no parent (e.g. top-level folder)

property subfolders

return list of folders (as FolderInfo objects) contained in the folder

property title

return title / name of folder

property uuid

return uuid of folder

class osxphotos.ImportInfo(db, uuid)[source]

Information about import sessions


Return import info as a dict; does not include photos

property photos

return list of photos contained in import session

property title

return title / name of import session

class osxphotos.LikeInfo(datetime: datetime, user: str, ismine: bool)[source]

Class for shared photo likes

class osxphotos.MomentInfo(db, moment_pk)[source]

Info about a photo moment


Returns all moment info as dictionary

property date

Date of the moment.

property end_date

Stop date of the moment.

property location

Location of the moment.

property modification_date

Modification date of the moment.

property photos

All photos in this moment

property pk

Primary key of the moment.

property start_date

Start date of the moment.

property subtitle

Subtitle of the moment.

property title

Title of the moment.

class osxphotos.PersonInfo(db: PhotosDB, pk: int)[source]

Info about a person in the Photos library


Returns dictionary representation of class instance

property face_info

Returns a list of FaceInfo objects associated with this person sorted by quality score Highest quality face is result[0] and lowest quality face is result[n]

property favorite

Returns True if person is a favorite, False otherwise; Photos 5+ only; returns False on Photos <= 4

property feature_less[source]

Returns True if person has been marked as “Feature This Person Less” in Photos, False otherwise; Photos 8+ only; returns False on Photos <= 7


Returns JSON representation of class instance

property photos

Returns list of PhotoInfo objects associated with this person

property sort_order

Returns sort order of person; favorite persons are sorted before non-favorite persons”; Photos 5+ only; returns 0 on Photos <= 4

class osxphotos.PhotoExporter(photo: PhotoInfo, tmpdir: t.Optional[str] = None)[source]

Export a photo

export(dest, filename=None, options: ExportOptions | None = None) ExportResults[source]

Export photo

  • dest – must be valid destination path or exception raised

  • filename – (optional): name of exported picture; if not provided, will use current filename NOTE: if provided, user must ensure file extension (suffix) is correct. For example, if photo is .CR2 file, edited image may be .jpeg. If you provide an extension different than what the actual file is, will export the photo using the incorrect file extension (unless use_photos_export is true, in which case export will use the extension provided by Photos upon export. e.g. to get the extension of the edited photo, reference PhotoInfo.path_edited

  • options (ExportOptions) – t.Optional ExportOptions instance


ExportResults instance


To use dry run mode, you must set options.dry_run=True and also pass in memory version of export_db,

and no-op fileutil (e.g. ExportDBInMemory and FileUtilNoOp) in options.export_db and options.fileutil respectively

write_exiftool_metadata_to_file(src, dest, options: ExportOptions) ExportResults[source]

Write exif metadata to src file using exiftool

Caution: This method modifies src, not dest, so src must be a copy of the original file if you don’t want the source modified; it also does not write to dest (dest is the intended destination for purposes of referencing the export database. This allows the exiftool update to be done on the local machine prior to being copied to the export destination which may be on a network drive or other slower external storage).

class osxphotos.PhotoInfo(db: PhotosDB, uuid: str, info: dict[str, Any])[source]

Info about a specific photo, contains all the details about the photo including keywords, persons, albums, uuid, path, etc.

property adjustments: AdjustmentsInfo | None

Returns AdjustmentsInfo class for adjustment data or None if no adjustments; Photos 5+ only

property adjustments_path: Path | None

Returns path to adjustments file or none if file doesn’t exist

property album_info: list[AlbumInfo]

list of AlbumInfo objects representing albums the photo is contained in

property albums: list[str]

list of albums picture is contained in

asdict(shallow: bool = True) dict[str, Any][source]

Return dict representation of PhotoInfo object.


shallow – if True, return shallow representation (does not contain folder_info, person_info, etc.)


dict representation of PhotoInfo object


The shallow representation is used internally by export as it contains only the subset of data needed for export.

property burst: bool

Returns True if photo is part of a Burst photo set, otherwise False

property burst_album_info: list[AlbumInfo]

If photo is a burst photo, returns list of AlbumInfo objects representing albums the photo is contained in as well as albums the burst key photo is contained in, otherwise returns self.album_info.

property burst_albums: list[str]

If photo is burst photo, list of albums it is contained in as well as any albums the key photo is contained in, otherwise returns self.albums

property burst_default_pick: bool

Returns True if photo is a burst image and is the photo that Photos selected as the default image for the burst set, otherwise False

property burst_key: bool

Returns True if photo is a burst photo and is the key image for the burst set (the image that Photos shows on top of the burst stack), otherwise False

property burst_photos: list[PhotoInfo]

If photo is a burst photo, returns list of PhotoInfo objects that are part of the same burst photo set; otherwise returns empty list. self is not included in the returned list

property burst_selected: bool

Returns True if photo is a burst photo and has been selected from the burst set by the user, otherwise False

property cloud_guid: str[source]

Returns the GUID of the photo in iCloud (Photos 5+ only)

property cloud_metadata: dict[Any, Any][source]

Returns contents of ZCLOUDMASTERMEDIAMETADATA as dict; Photos 5+ only

property cloud_owner_hashed_id: str[source]

Returns the hashed iCloud ID of the owner of the shared photo (Photos 5+ only)

property comments: list[CommentInfo]

Returns list of CommentInfo objects for any comments on the photo (sorted by date)

property date: datetime

Asset creation date as timezone aware datetime object

property date_added: datetime | None

Date photo was added to the database or None if no added date is recorded.

Returns a timezone aware datetime.datetime object in the local timezone

property date_modified: datetime | None

Asset modification date as timezone aware datetime.datetime object in local timezone or None if no modification date set

property date_original: datetime

Original creation date of asset as timezone aware datetime object. If user has changed the asset’s creation date in Photos, use this to access the original creation date set when the asset was imported.

The original date is stored by Photos at import time from the date in the photo’s EXIF data. If this is not set (photo had no EXIF date) then date_original returns the same value as date.

Photos 5+; on Photos version < 5, returns the same value as date.

property date_trashed: datetime | None

Date asset was placed in the trash or None.

Returns a timezone aware datetime.datetime object in the local timezone.

property description: str

long / extended description of picture

detected_text(confidence_threshold=0.75) list[tuple[str, float]][source]

Detects text in photo and returns lists of results as (detected text, confidence)

confidence_threshold: float between 0.0 and 1.0. If text detection confidence is below this threshold, text will not be returned. Default is TEXT_DETECTION_CONFIDENCE_THRESHOLD

If photo is edited, uses the edited photo, otherwise the original; falls back to the preview image if neither edited or original is available

Returns: list of (detected text, confidence) tuples

property duplicates: list[PhotoInfo]

return list of PhotoInfo objects for possible duplicates (matching signature of original size, date, height, width) or empty list if no matching duplicates

property exif_info: ExifInfo | None[source]

Returns an ExifInfo object with the EXIF data for photo Note: the returned EXIF data is the data Photos stores in the database on import; ExifInfo does not provide access to the EXIF info in the actual image file Some or all of the fields may be None Only valid for Photos 5; on earlier database returns None

property exiftool: ExifToolCaching | None

Returns a ExifToolCaching (read-only instance of ExifTool) object for the photo. Requires that exiftool (https://exiftool.org/) be installed If exiftool not installed, logs warning and returns None If photo path is missing, returns None

export(dest, filename=None, edited=False, live_photo=False, raw_photo=False, export_as_hardlink=False, overwrite=False, increment=True, sidecar_json=False, sidecar_exiftool=False, sidecar_xmp=False, use_photos_export=False, timeout=120, exiftool=False, use_albums_as_keywords=False, use_persons_as_keywords=False, keyword_template=None, description_template=None, render_options: RenderOptions | None = None) list[str][source]

Export a photo

  • dest – must be valid destination path (or exception raised)

  • filename – (optional): name of exported picture; if not provided, will use current filename NOTE: if provided, user must ensure file extension (suffix) is correct. For example, if photo is .CR2 file, edited image may be .jpeg. If you provide an extension different than what the actual file is, export will print a warning but will export the photo using the incorrect file extension (unless use_photos_export is true, in which case export will use the extension provided by Photos upon export; in this case, an incorrect extension is silently ignored). e.g. to get the extension of the edited photo, reference PhotoInfo.path_edited

  • edited – (boolean, default=False); if True will export the edited version of the photo, otherwise exports the original version (or raise exception if no edited version)

  • live_photo – (boolean, default=False); if True, will also export the associated .mov for live photos

  • raw_photo – (boolean, default=False); if True, will also export the associated RAW photo

  • export_as_hardlink – (boolean, default=False); if True, will hardlink files instead of copying them

  • overwrite – (boolean, default=False); if True will overwrite files if they already exist

  • increment – (boolean, default=True); if True, will increment file name until a non-existant name is found if overwrite=False and increment=False, export will fail if destination file already exists

  • sidecar_json – if set will write a json sidecar with data in format readable by exiftool sidecar filename will be dest/filename.json; includes exiftool tag group names (e.g. exiftool -G -j)

  • sidecar_exiftool – if set will write a json sidecar with data in format readable by exiftool sidecar filename will be dest/filename.json; does not include exiftool tag group names (e.g. exiftool -j)

  • sidecar_xmp – if set will write an XMP sidecar with IPTC data sidecar filename will be dest/filename.xmp

  • use_photos_export – (boolean, default=False); if True will attempt to export photo via applescript interaction with Photos

  • timeout – (int, default=120) timeout in seconds used with use_photos_export

  • exiftool – (boolean, default = False); if True, will use exiftool to write metadata to export file

  • files (returns list of full paths to the exported)

  • use_albums_as_keywords – (boolean, default = False); if True, will include album names in keywords

  • sidecar (when exporting metadata with exiftool or)

  • use_persons_as_keywords – (boolean, default = False); if True, will include person names in keywords

  • sidecar

  • keyword_template – (list of strings); list of template strings that will be rendered as used as keywords

  • description_template – string; optional template string that will be rendered for use as photo description

  • render_options – an optional osxphotos.phototemplate.RenderOptions instance with options to pass to template renderer


list of photos exported

property external_edit: bool

Returns True if picture was edited outside of Photos using external editor

property face_info: list[FaceInfo]

list of FaceInfo objects for faces in picture

property favorite: bool

True if picture is marked as favorite

property filename: str

filename of the picture

property fingerprint: str | None[source]

Returns fingerprint of original photo as a string or None if not available

property flagged: bool

Returns True if photo is flagged; iPhoto only; on Photos always returns False

property has_raw: bool

returns True if photo has an associated raw image (that is, it’s a RAW+JPEG pair), otherwise False

property hasadjustments: bool

True if picture has adjustments / edits

property hdr: bool

Returns True if photo is an HDR photo, otherwise False

property height: int

returns height of the current photo version in pixels

property hexdigest: str[source]

Returns a unique digest of the photo’s properties and metadata; useful for detecting changes in any property/metadata of the photo

property hidden: bool

True if picture is hidden

property import_info: ImportInfo | None

ImportInfo object representing import session for the photo or None if no import session

property incloud: bool | None

Returns True if photo is cloud asset and is synched to cloud False if photo is cloud asset and not yet synched to cloud None if photo is not cloud asset

property intrash: bool

True if picture is in trash (‘Recently Deleted’ folder)

property iscloudasset: bool

Returns True if photo is a cloud asset (in an iCloud library), otherwise False

property ismissing: bool

returns true if photo is missing from disk (which means it’s not been downloaded from iCloud)

NOTE: the photos.db database uses an asynchrounous write-ahead log so changes in Photos

do not immediately get written to disk. In particular, I’ve noticed that downloading an image from the cloud does not force the database to be updated until something else e.g. an edit, keyword, etc. occurs forcing a database synch The exact process / timing is a mystery to be but be aware that if some photos were recently downloaded from cloud to local storate their status in the database might still show isMissing = 1

property ismovie: bool

Returns True if file is a movie, otherwise False

property isphoto: bool

Returns True if file is an image, otherwise False

property israw: bool

returns True if photo is a raw image. For images with an associated RAW+JPEG pair, see has_raw

property isreference: bool

Returns True if photo is a reference (not copied to the Photos library), otherwise False

json(indent: int | None = None, shallow: bool = True) str[source]

Return JSON representation

  • indent – indent level for JSON, if None, no indent

  • shallow – if True, return shallow JSON representation (does not contain folder_info, person_info, etc.)


JSON string


The shallow representation is used internally by export as it contains only the subset of data needed for export.

property keywords: list[str]

list of keywords for picture

property labels: list[str]

returns list of labels applied to photo by Photos image categorization only valid on Photos 5, on older libraries returns empty list

property labels_normalized: list[str]

returns normalized list of labels applied to photo by Photos image categorization only valid on Photos 5, on older libraries returns empty list

property latitude: float | None

Returns latitude as float in degrees or None

property likes: list[LikeInfo]

Returns list of LikeInfo objects for any likes on the photo (sorted by date)

property live_photo: bool

Returns True if photo is a live photo, otherwise False

property location: tuple[float, float] | tuple[None, None]

Returns (latitude, longitude) as float in degrees or None

property longitude: float | None

Returns longitude as float in degrees or None

property moment_info: MomentInfo | None

Moment photo belongs to

property orientation: int

returns EXIF orientation of the current photo version as int or 0 if current orientation cannot be determined

property original_filename: str

original filename of the picture Photos 5 mangles filenames upon import

property original_filesize: int

returns filesize of original photo in bytes as int

property original_height: int

returns height of the original photo version in pixels

property original_orientation: int

returns EXIF orientation of the original photo version as int

property original_width: int

returns width of the original photo version in pixels

property owner: str | None

Return name of photo owner for shared photos (Photos 5+ only), or None if not shared

property panorama: bool

Returns True if photo is a panorama, otherwise False

property path: str | None

absolute path on disk of the original picture

property path_derivatives: list[str][source]

Return any derivative (preview) images associated with the photo as a list of paths, sorted by file size (largest first)

property path_edited: str | None

absolute path on disk of the edited picture

property path_edited_live_photo: str | None

return path to edited version of live photo movie

property path_live_photo: str | None[source]

Returns path to the associated video file for a live photo If photo is not a live photo, returns None If photo is missing, returns None

property path_raw: str | None

absolute path of associated RAW image or None if there is not one

property person_info: list[PersonInfo]

list of PersonInfo objects for person in picture

property persons: list[str]

list of persons in picture

property place: PlaceInfo4 | PlaceInfo5 | None

Returns PlaceInfo object containing reverse geolocation info

property portrait: bool

Returns True if photo is a portrait, otherwise False

property project_info: list[ProjectInfo]

list of ProjectInfo objects representing projects for the photo or None if no projects

property rating: int

Star rating of photo as int from 0 to 5; for iPhoto, returns star rating; for Photos, always returns 0

property raw_original: bool

returns True if associated raw image and the raw image is selected in Photos via “Use RAW as Original ” otherwise returns False

render_template(template_str: str, options: RenderOptions | None = None) tuple[list[str], list[str]][source]

Renders a template string for PhotoInfo instance using PhotoTemplate

  • template_str – a template string with fields to render

  • options – a RenderOptions instance


tuple of list of rendered strings and list of unmatched template values

Return type:

([rendered_strings], [unmatched])

property saved_to_library: bool | None[source]

Return True if syndicated photo has been saved to library; returns False if photo is not syndicated or has not been saved to the library. Returns None if not Photos 7+. Syndicated photos are photos that appear in “Shared with you” album; Photos 7+ only.

property score: ScoreInfo

Computed score information for a photo


ScoreInfo instance

property screen_recording: bool

Returns True if video is a screen_recording, otherwise False

property screenshot: bool

Returns True if photo is a screenshot, otherwise False

property search_info: SearchInfo | None

returns SearchInfo object for photo only valid on Photos 5, on older libraries, returns None

property search_info_normalized: SearchInfo | None

returns SearchInfo object for photo that produces normalized results only valid on Photos 5, on older libraries, returns None

property selfie: bool

Returns True if photo is a selfie (front facing camera), otherwise False

property share_info: ShareInfo | None[source]

Returns ShareInfo object with information about the shared photo in a shared iCloud library (Photos 8+ only) (currently experimental)

property share_participant_info: list[ShareParticipant][source]

Returns list of ShareParticipant objects with information on who the photo is shared with (Photos 8+ only)

property share_participants: list[str][source]

Returns list of names of people the photo is shared with (Photos 8+ only)

property shared: bool | None

returns True if photos is in a shared iCloud album otherwise false Only valid on Photos 5; returns None on older versions

property shared_library: bool[source]

Returns True if photo is in a shared iCloud library otherwise False (Photos 8+ only)

property shared_moment: bool[source]

Returns True if photo is part of a shared moment otherwise False (Photos 7+ only)

property shared_moment_info: ShareInfo | None[source]

Returns ShareInfo object with information about the shared moment the photo is part of (Photos 7+ only)

property slow_mo: bool

Returns True if photo is a slow motion video, otherwise False

property syndicated: bool | None[source]

Return true if photo was shared via syndication (e.g. via Messages, etc.); these are photos that appear in “Shared with you” album. Photos 7+ only; returns None if not Photos 7+.

tables() PhotoTables | None[source]

Return PhotoTables object to provide access database tables associated with this photo (Photos 5+)

property time_lapse: bool

Returns True if photo is a time lapse video, otherwise False

property title: str | None

name / title of picture

property tzname: str | None

Timezone name for the Photos creation date; on Photos version < 5, returns None

property tzoffset: int

Timezone offset from UTC in seconds for the Photo creation date

property uti: str

Returns Uniform Type Identifier (UTI) for the image for example: public.jpeg or com.apple.quicktime-movie

property uti_edited: str | None

Returns Uniform Type Identifier (UTI) for the edited image if the photo has been edited, otherwise None; for example: public.jpeg

property uti_original: str

Returns Uniform Type Identifier (UTI) for the original image for example: public.jpeg or com.apple.quicktime-movie

property uti_raw: str | None

Returns Uniform Type Identifier (UTI) for the RAW image if there is one for example: com.canon.cr2-raw-image Returns None if no associated RAW image

property uuid: str

UUID of picture

property visible: bool

True if picture is visble

property width: int

returns width of the current photo version in pixels

class osxphotos.PhotoTemplate(photo, exiftool_path=None)[source]

PhotoTemplate class to render a template string from a PhotoInfo object

expand_variables(value: str) List[str][source]

Expand variables in value

expand_variables_to_str(value: str, name: str) str[source]

Expand variables in value and return a str of the expanded value. Enforce that the expanded value is a single value, raises ValueError if not.

  • value – the value to expand

  • name – the name of the value being expanded (used in error messages)

filter_predicate(value: str, args: str) bool[source]

Return True if value passes predicate

get_field_values(field: str, subfield: str | None, field_arg: str | None, default: List[str]) Tuple[List[str], List[str]][source]

Get the values for a field

get_filter_values(filter_: str, values: List[str]) List[str][source]

Return filtered values

get_format_values(field: str, subfield: str, default: List[str]) List[str | None] | None[source]

Return values for {format} templates


return special media type, e.g. slow_mo, panorama, etc., defaults to photo or video if no special type

get_photo_bool_attribute(attr, default, bool_val)[source]

Return the boolean value for a photo attribute


return media type, e.g. photo or video

get_template_value(field: str, default: List[str], subfield: str | None, field_arg: str | None)[source]

lookup value for template field (single-value template substitutions)

  • field – template field to find value for.

  • default – the default value provided by the user

  • bool_val – True value if expression is boolean

  • delim – delimiter for expand in place

  • path_sep – path separator for fields that are path-like

  • subfield – subfield (value after : in field)


The matching template value (which may be None).


ValueError if no rule exists for field.


Get template value for format “{exiftool:EXIF:Model}”

get_template_value_filter_function(filter_, args, values)[source]

Filter template value from external function

get_template_value_function(subfield: str, field_arg: str | None, caller: str)[source]

Get template value from external function

  • subfield – the filename and function name in for filename.py::function

  • field_arg – the argument to pass to the function

  • caller – the calling source of the template (‘export’ or ‘import’)

get_template_value_multi(field, subfield, path_sep, default)[source]

lookup value for template field (multi-value template substitutions)

  • field – template field to find value for.

  • subfield – the template subfield value

  • path_sep – path separator to use for folder_album field

  • default – value of default field


List of the matching template values or [].


ValueError if no rule exists for field.


lookup value for template pathlib template fields


field – template field to find value for.


The matching template value (which may be None).


ValueError if no rule exists for field.

render(template: str, options: RenderOptions)[source]

Render a filename or directory template

  • template – str template

  • options – a RenderOptions instance


tuple of list of rendered strings and list of unmatched template values

Return type:

([rendered_strings], [unmatched])

class osxphotos.PhotosAlbum(name: str, verbose: Callable[[...], Any] | None = None, split_folder: str | None = None, rich: bool = False)[source]

Add osxphotos.photoinfo.PhotoInfo objects to album

append(photo: PhotoInfo)[source]

Add photo to album

extend(photos: Iterable[PhotoInfo])[source]

Add list of photos to album

class osxphotos.PhotosAlbumPhotoScript(name: str, verbose: Callable[[...], Any] | None = None, split_folder: str | None = None, rich: bool = False)[source]

Add photoscript.Photo objects to album

append(photo: Photo)[source]

Add photo to album

extend(photos: Iterable[Photo])[source]

Add list of photos to album

class osxphotos.PhotosDB(dbfile=None, verbose=None, exiftool=None, rich=None, library_path=None, _skip_searchinfo=False)[source]

Processes a Photos.app library database to extract information about photos

property album_info

Return list of AlbumInfo objects for each album in the photos database

property album_info_shared

Return list of AlbumInfo objects for each shared album in the photos database only valid for Photos 5; on Photos <= 4, prints warning and returns empty list

property albums

Return list of albums found in photos database

property albums_as_dict

Return albums as dict of albums, count in reverse sorted order (descending)

property albums_shared

Return list of shared albums found in photos database only valid for Photos 5; on Photos <= 4, prints warning and returns empty list

property albums_shared_as_dict

Returns shared albums as dict of albums, count in reverse sorted order (descending) valid only on Photos 5; on Photos <= 4, prints warning and returns empty dict

property db_path

Returns path to the Photos library database PhotosDB was initialized with

property db_version

Return the database version as stored in LiGlobals table

execute(sql: str, params: Any | None = None) Cursor[source]

Execute sql statement and return cursor

property folder_info

Return list FolderInfo objects representing top-level folders in the photos database

property folders

Return list of top-level folder names in the photos database


Get connection to the working copy of the Photos database


tuple of (connection, cursor) to sqlite3 database


Returns a single photo matching uuid


uuid – the UUID of photo to get


PhotoInfo instance for photo with UUID matching uuid or None if no match

property import_info

Return list of ImportInfo objects for each import session in the database

property keywords

Return list of keywords found in photos database and associated with at least one photo

property keywords_as_dict

count in reverse sorted order (descending)


Teturn keywords as dict of keyword

property keywords_without_photo

Return keywords that exist in the database but are not assined to any photo (Photos 5+ only)

property labels

return list of all search info labels found in the library

property labels_as_dict

count in reverse sorted order (descending)


return labels as dict of label

property labels_normalized

return list of all normalized search info labels found in the library

property labels_normalized_as_dict

count in reverse sorted order (descending)


return normalized labels as dict of label

property library_path

Returns path to the Photos library PhotosDB was initialized with

property person_info

Return list of PersonInfo objects for each person in the photos database

property persons

Return list of persons found in photos database and associated with at least one photo

property persons_as_dict

Return persons as dict of person, count in reverse sorted order (descending)

photos(keywords: List[str] | None = None, uuid: List[str] | None = None, persons: List[str] | None = None, albums: List[str] | None = None, images: bool = True, movies: bool = True, from_date: datetime | None = None, to_date: datetime | None = None, intrash: bool = False) List[PhotoInfo][source]

Return a list of PhotoInfo objects If called with no args, returns the entire database of photos If called with args, returns photos matching the args (e.g. keywords, persons, etc.) If more than one arg, returns photos matching all the criteria (e.g. keywords AND persons) If more than one keyword, uuid, persons, albums is passed, they are treated as “OR” criteria e.g. keywords=[“wedding”,”vacation”] returns photos matching either keyword from_date and to_date may be either naive or timezone-aware datetime.datetime objects. If naive, timezone will be assumed to be local timezone.

  • keywords – list of keywords to search for

  • uuid – list of UUIDs to search for

  • persons – list of persons to search for

  • albums – list of album names to search for

  • images – if True, returns image files, if False, does not return images; default is True

  • movies – if True, returns movie files, if False, does not return movies; default is True

  • from_date – return photos with creation date >= from_date (datetime.datetime object, default None)

  • to_date – return photos with creation date < to_date (datetime.datetime object, default None)

  • intrash – if True, returns only images in “Recently deleted items” folder, if False returns only photos that aren’t deleted; default is False


list of PhotoInfo objects

Returns a list of photos with UUID in uuids.

Does not generate error if invalid or missing UUID passed. This is faster than using PhotosDB.photos if you have list of UUIDs. Returns photos regardless of intrash state.


uuid – list of UUIDs of photos to get


list of PhotoInfo instance for photo with UUID matching uuid or [] if no match

property photos_version

Returns version of Photos app that created the library

property project_info

Return list of AlbumInfo projects for each project in the database

query(options: QueryOptions) list[PhotoInfo][source]

Run a query against PhotosDB to extract the photos based on user supplied options


options – a QueryOptions instance

class osxphotos.PlaceInfo[source]

Reverse geolocation place info for a photo.

property address

Returns a PostalAddress namedtuple with details of the postal address containing the following fields:

  • city

  • country

  • postal_code

  • state

  • street

  • sub_administrative_area

  • sub_locality

  • iso_country_code

property address_str: str | None

Returns the full postal address as a string if defined, otherwise None.


Returns a dictionary representation of the PlaceInfo object.

property country_code: str | None

Returns the country_code of place, for example “GB”. Returns None if PhotoInfo contains no country code.

property ishome: bool

Returns True if photo place is user’s home address, otherwise False.

property name: str | None

Returns the name of the local place as str. This is what Photos displays in the Info window. Note Photos 5 uses a different algorithm to determine the name than earlier versions which means the same Photo may have a different place name in Photos 4 and Photos 5. PhotoInfo.name will return the name Photos would have shown depending on the version of the library being processed. Returns None if photo does not contain a name.

property names: PlaceNames | None

Returns a PlaceNames namedtuple with the following fields. Each field is a list with zero or more values, sorted by area in ascending order. E.g. names.area_of_interest could be [‘Gulf Islands National Seashore’, ‘Santa Rosa Island’], [“Knott’s Berry Farm”], or [] if area_of_interest not defined. The value shown in Photos is the first value in the list. With the exception of body_of_water each of these field corresponds to an attribute of a [CLPlacemark](https://developer.apple.com/documentation/corelocation/clplacemark) object.

  • country; the name of the country associated with the placemark.

  • state_province; administrativeArea, The state or province associated with the placemark.

  • sub_administrative_area; additional administrative area information for the placemark.

  • city; locality; the city associated with the placemark.

  • additional_city_info; subLocality, Additional city-level information for the placemark.

  • ocean; the name of the ocean associated with the placemark.

  • area_of_interest; areasOfInterest, The relevant areas of interest associated with the placemark.

  • inland_water; the name of the inland water body associated with the placemark.

  • region; the geographic region associated with the placemark.

  • sub_throughfare; additional street-level information for the placemark.

  • postal_code; the postal code associated with the placemark.

  • street_address; throughfare, The street address associated with the placemark.

  • body_of_water; in Photos 4, any body of water; in Photos 5 contains the union of ocean and inland_water

Note: In Photos <= 4.0, only the following fields are defined; all others are set to empty list:

  • country

  • state_province

  • sub_administrative_area

  • city

  • additional_city_info

  • area_of_interest

  • body_of_water


The PlaceNames namedtuple contains reserved fields not listed below (see implementation for details), thus it should be referenced only by name (e.g. names.city) and not by index.

class osxphotos.ProjectInfo(db, uuid)[source]

ProjectInfo with info about projects Projects are cards, calendars, slideshows, etc.

property folder_list

Returns list of FolderInfo objects for each folder the album is contained in or empty list if album is not in any folders

property folder_names

Return hierarchical list of folders the album is contained in the folder list is in form: [“Top level folder”, “sub folder 1”, “sub folder 2”, …] or empty list if album is not in any folders

class osxphotos.QueryOptions(added_after: datetime.datetime | None = None, added_before: datetime.datetime | None = None, added_in_last: datetime.timedelta | None = None, album: Iterable[str] | None = None, burst_photos: bool | None = None, burst: bool | None = None, cloudasset: bool | None = None, deleted_only: bool | None = None, deleted: bool | None = None, description: Iterable[str] | None = None, duplicate: bool | None = None, edited: bool | None = None, exif: Iterable[Tuple[str, str]] | None = None, external_edit: bool | None = None, favorite: bool | None = None, folder: Iterable[str] | None = None, from_date: datetime.datetime | None = None, from_time: datetime.time | None = None, function: List[Tuple[callable, str]] | None = None, has_comment: bool | None = None, has_likes: bool | None = None, has_raw: bool | None = None, hdr: bool | None = None, hidden: bool | None = None, ignore_case: bool | None = None, in_album: bool | None = None, incloud: bool | None = None, is_reference: bool | None = None, keyword: Iterable[str] | None = None, label: Iterable[str] | None = None, live: bool | None = None, location: bool | None = None, max_size: bitmath.Byte | None = None, min_size: bitmath.Byte | None = None, missing_bursts: bool | None = None, missing: bool | None = None, movies: bool | None = True, name: Iterable[str] | None = None, no_comment: bool | None = None, no_description: bool | None = None, no_likes: bool | None = None, no_location: bool | None = None, no_keyword: bool | None = None, no_place: bool | None = None, no_title: bool | None = None, not_burst: bool | None = None, not_cloudasset: bool | None = None, not_edited: bool | None = None, not_favorite: bool | None = None, not_hdr: bool | None = None, not_hidden: bool | None = None, not_in_album: bool | None = None, not_incloud: bool | None = None, not_live: bool | None = None, not_missing: bool | None = None, not_panorama: bool | None = None, not_portrait: bool | None = None, not_reference: bool | None = None, not_screenshot: bool | None = None, not_screen_recording: bool | None = None, not_selfie: bool | None = None, not_shared: bool | None = None, not_slow_mo: bool | None = None, not_time_lapse: bool | None = None, panorama: bool | None = None, person: Iterable[str] | None = None, photos: bool | None = True, place: Iterable[str] | None = None, portrait: bool | None = None, query_eval: Iterable[str] | None = None, regex: Iterable[Tuple[str, str]] | None = None, screenshot: bool | None = None, screen_recording: bool | None = None, selected: bool | None = None, selfie: bool | None = None, shared: bool | None = None, slow_mo: bool | None = None, time_lapse: bool | None = None, title: Iterable[str] | None = None, to_date: datetime.datetime | None = None, to_time: datetime.time | None = None, uti: Iterable[str] | None = None, uuid: Iterable[str] | None = None, year: Iterable[int] | None = None, syndicated: bool | None = None, not_syndicated: bool | None = None, saved_to_library: bool | None = None, not_saved_to_library: bool | None = None, shared_moment: bool | None = None, not_shared_moment: bool | None = None, shared_library: bool | None = None, not_shared_library: bool | None = None)[source]

QueryOptions class for PhotosDB.query


search for photos added on or after a given date




search for photos added before a given date




search for photos added in last X datetime.timedelta




list of album names to search for




include all associated burst photos for photos in query results




search for burst photos




search for photos that are managed by iCloud




search only for deleted photos




also include deleted photos




list of descriptions to search for




search for duplicate photos




search for edited photos




search for photos with EXIF tags that matches the given data


Optional[Iterable[Tuple[str, str]]]


search for photos edited in external apps




search for favorite photos




list of folder names to search for




search for photos taken on or after this date




search for photos taken on or after this time of day




list of query functions to evaluate


Optional[List[Tuple[callable, str]]]


search for photos with comments




search for shared photos with likes




search for photos with associated raw files




search for HDR photos




search for hidden photos




ignore case when searching




search for photos in an album




search for cloud assets that are synched to iCloud




search for photos stored by reference (that is, they are not managed by Photos)




list of keywords to search for




list of labels to search for




search for live photos




search for photos with a location




maximum size of photos to search for




minimum size of photos to search for




for burst photos, also include burst photos that are missing




search for missing photos




search for movies




list of names to search for




search for photos with no comments




search for photos with no description




search for shared photos with no likes




search for photos with no location




search for photos with no keywords




search for photos with no place




search for photos with no title




search for non-burst photos




search for photos that are not managed by iCloud




search for photos that have not been edited




search for non-favorite photos




search for non-HDR photos




search for non-hidden photos




search for photos not in an album




search for cloud asset photos that are not yet synched to iCloud




search for non-live photos




search for non-missing photos




search for non-panorama photos




search for non-portrait photos




search for photos not stored by reference (that is, they are managed by Photos)




search for non-screenshot photos




search for non-screen recordings videos




search for non-selfie photos




search for non-shared photos




search for non-slow-mo photos




search for non-time-lapse photos




search for panorama photos




list of person names to search for




search for photos




list of place names to search for




search for portrait photos




list of query expressions to evaluate




list of regular expressions to search for


Optional[Iterable[Tuple[str, str]]]


search for screenshot photos




search for screen recording videos




search for selected photos




search for selfie photos




search for shared photos




search for slow-mo photos




search for time-lapse photos




list of titles to search for




search for photos taken before this date




search for photos taken before this time of day




list of UTIs to search for




list of uuids to search for




search for photos taken in a given year




search for photos that have been shared via syndication (“Shared with You” album via Messages, etc.)




search for photos that have not been shared via syndication (“Shared with You” album via Messages, etc.)




search for syndicated photos that have been saved to the Photos library




search for syndicated photos that have not been saved to the Photos library




search for photos that have been shared via a shared moment




search for photos that have not been shared via a shared moment




search for photos that are part of a shared iCloud library




search for photos that are not part of a shared iCloud library



class osxphotos.ScoreInfo(overall: float, curation: float, promotion: float, highlight_visibility: float, behavioral: float, failure: float, harmonious_color: float, immersiveness: float, interaction: float, interesting_subject: float, intrusive_object_presence: float, lively_color: float, low_light: float, noise: float, pleasant_camera_tilt: float, pleasant_composition: float, pleasant_lighting: float, pleasant_pattern: float, pleasant_perspective: float, pleasant_post_processing: float, pleasant_reflection: float, pleasant_symmetry: float, sharply_focused_subject: float, tastefully_blurred: float, well_chosen_subject: float, well_framed_subject: float, well_timed_shot: float)[source]

Computed photo score info associated with a photo from the Photos library


Return ScoreInfo as a dict

class osxphotos.SearchInfo(photo, normalized=False)[source]

Info about search terms such as machine learning labels that Photos knows about a photo

property activities

returns list of activity names

property all

return all search info properties in a single list


return dict of search info

property bodies_of_water

returns list of body of water names

property camera

returns camera name (macOS 13+ / Photos 8+ only)

property city

returns city/town

property country

returns country name

property detected_text

Returns text detected in the photo (macOS 13+ / Photos 8+ only)

property holidays

returns list of holiday names

property labels

return list of labels associated with Photo

property locality_names

returns list of other locality names

property media_types

returns list of media types (photo, video, panorama, etc)

property month

returns month name

property neighborhoods

returns list of neighborhoods

property place_names

returns list of place names

property season

returns season name

property source

returns source of the photo (e.g. “Messages”, “Safar”, etc) (macOS 13+ / Photos 8+ only)

property state

returns state name

property state_abbreviation

returns state abbreviation

property streets

returns list of street names

property text_found

Returns True if photos has detected text (macOS 13+ / Photos 8+ only)

property venue_types

returns list of venue types

property venues

returns list of venue names

property year

returns year

class osxphotos.SidecarWriter(photo: PhotoInfo)[source]

Write sidecars for PhotoInfo objects

Can write XMP, JSON, and exiftool sidecars


photo – PhotoInfo object


Sidecars are written by calling write_sidecar_files() which returns an ExportResults object

write_sidecar_files(dest: Path, options: ExportOptions) ExportResults[source]

Write sidecar files for the photo.

  • dest – destination path for photo that sidecars are being written for

  • options – ExportOptions object that configures the sidecars


An ExportResults object containing information about the exported sidecar files in the following attributes:

  • sidecar_json_written: list of JSON sidecar files written

  • sidecar_json_skipped: list of JSON sidecar files skipped

  • sidecar_exiftool_written: list of exiftool JSON sidecar files written

  • sidecar_exiftool_skipped: list of exiftool JSON sidecar files skipped

  • sidecar_xmp_written: list of XMP sidecar files written

  • sidecar_xmp_skipped: list of XMP sidecar files skipped


dest is the path to the the sidecar belongs to. THe sidecar filename will be dest.ext where ext is the extension for sidecar (e.g. xmp or json) If dest is “img_1234.jpg”, XMP sidecar would be “img_1234.jpg.xmp” Use ExportOptions(sidecar_drop_ext) to drop the image extension from the sidecar filename (e.g. “img_1234.xmp”)

xmp_sidecar(options: ExportOptions | None = None, extension: str | None = None)[source]

returns string for XMP sidecar

  • options (ExportOptions) – options for export

  • extension (Optional[str]) – which extension to use for SidecarForExtension property

class osxphotos.iPhotoAlbumInfo(album: dict[str, Any], db: iPhotoDB)[source]

AlbumInfo class for iPhoto

asdict() dict[str, Any][source]

Return album info as a dict; does not include photos

property folder_list: list[iPhotoFolderInfo]

Returns hierachical list of iPhotoFolderInfo objects for each folder the album is contained in or empty list if album is not in any folders

property folder_names: list[str]

Return hierarchical list of folders the album is contained in the folder list is in form: [“Top level folder”, “sub folder 1”, “sub folder 2”, …] or empty list if album is not in any folders

json() str[source]

JSON representation of album

property parent: iPhotoFolderInfo | None

returns iPhotoFolderInfo object for parent folder or None if no parent (e.g. top-level album)

photo_index(photo: iPhotoPhotoInfo) int[source]

Return index of photo in album; not implemented, always 0

property photos: list[iPhotoPhotoInfo]

Return list of photos contained in the album

property sort_order: int

Return sort order; not implemented, always 0

property title: str

Title of album

property uuid: str

UUID of album

class osxphotos.iPhotoDB(dbfile: str, verbose: Callable[[...], None] = None, exiftool: str | None = None, rich: bool = False, _skip_searchinfo: bool = True)[source]

Read an iPhoto library database; interface matches osxphotos.PhotosDB

property album_info: list[iPhotoAlbumInfo]

Return list of iPhotoAlbumInfo objects for each album in the library

property albums: list[str]

Return list of album names

property albums_as_dict: dict[str, int]

Return albums as dict of list of albums keyed by count of photos

property db_version: str[source]

Return the database version as stored in Library.apdb RKAdminData table

get_db_connection() tuple[Connection, Cursor][source]

Get connection to the working copy of the Photos database


tuple of (connection, cursor) to sqlite3 database


NotImplementedError on iPhoto

get_photo(uuid: str) iPhotoPhotoInfo[source]

Return photo by uuid

property keywords_as_dict: dict[str, int]

Return keywords as dict of list of keywords keyed by count of photos

property persons_as_dict: dict[str, list[str]]

Return persons as dict of list of persons keyed count of photos

photos(keywords: list[str] | None = None, uuid: list[str] | None = None, persons: list[str] | None = None, albums: list[str] | None = None, images: bool = True, movies: bool = True, from_date: datetime | None = None, to_date: datetime | None = None, intrash: bool = False) list[iPhotoPhotoInfo][source]

Return a list of iPhotoPhotoInfo objects If called with no args, returns the entire database of photos If called with args, returns photos matching the args (e.g. keywords, persons, etc.) If more than one arg, returns photos matching all the criteria (e.g. keywords AND persons) If more than one keyword, uuid, persons, albums is passed, they are treated as “OR” criteria e.g. keywords=[“wedding”,”vacation”] returns photos matching either keyword from_date and to_date may be either naive or timezone-aware datetime.datetime objects. If naive, timezone will be assumed to be local timezone.

  • keywords – list of keywords to search for

  • uuid – list of UUIDs to search for

  • persons – list of persons to search for

  • albums – list of album names to search for

  • images – if True, returns image files, if False, does not return images; default is True

  • movies – if True, returns movie files, if False, does not return movies; default is True

  • from_date – return photos with creation date >= from_date (datetime.datetime object, default None)

  • to_date – return photos with creation date < to_date (datetime.datetime object, default None)

  • intrash – if True, returns only images in “Recently deleted items” folder, if False returns only photos that aren’t deleted; default is False


list of iPhotoPhotoInfo objects

property photos_version: str[source]

Returns version of the library as a string

query(options: QueryOptions) list[iPhotoPhotoInfo][source]

Run a query against PhotosDB to extract the photos based on user supplied options


options – a QueryOptions instance

class osxphotos.iPhotoFaceInfo(photo: iPhotoPhotoInfo, face: dict[str, Any], db: iPhotoDB)[source]

FaceInfo implementation for iPhoto

asdict() dict[str, Any][source]

Returns dict representation of class instance

property center: tuple[int, int]

Coordinates, in PIL format, for center of face


tuple of coordinates in form (x, y)

property center_x: float

X coordinate for center of face as percent of width

property center_y: float

Y coordinate for center of face as percent of height

face_rect() list[tuple[int, int]][source]
Get face rectangle coordinates for current version of the associated image

If image has been edited, rectangle applies to edited version, otherwise original version Coordinates in format and reference frame used by PIL


list [(x0, x1), (y0, y1)] of coordinates in reference frame used by PIL

json() str[source]

Return JSON representation of iPhotoFaceInfo instance

property mpri_reg_rect: MPRI_Reg_Rect

Get coordinates for Microsoft Photo Region Rectangle.


x = x coordinate of top left corner of rectangle y = y coordinate of top left corner of rectangle h = height of rectangle w = width of rectangle

Return type:

MPRI_Reg_Rect named tuple with x, y, h, w where



property mwg_rs_area: MWG_RS_Area

Get coordinates for Metadata Working Group Region Area.


x = stArea:x y = stArea:y h = stArea:h w = stArea:w

Return type:

MWG_RS_Area named tuple with x, y, h, w where



property name: str | None

Name of person in the photo or None

property person_info: iPhotoPersonInfo

iPhotoPersonInfo object for face

property pitch: float

Return pitch angle in radians of the face region

property quality: float

Quality (confidence) of face detection

property roll: float

Return roll angle in radians of the face region

roll_pitch_yaw() tuple[float, float, float][source]

Roll, pitch, yaw of face in radians as tuple

property size: float

Size of face as percent of image width

property size_pixels: int

Size of face in pixels (centered around center_x, center_y)


size, in int pixels, of a circle drawn around the center of the face

property yaw: float

Return yaw angle in radians of the face region

class osxphotos.iPhotoFolderInfo(folder: dict[Any, Any], db: iPhotoDB)[source]

Info about a specific folder, contains all the details about the folder including folders, albums, etc

property album_info: list[iPhotoAlbumInfo]

Return list of albums (as iPhotoAlbumInfo objects) contained in the folder

asdict() dict[str, Any][source]

Return folder info as a dict

json() str[source]

Return folder info as json

property parent: iPhotoFolderInfo | None

Return iPhotoFolderInfo object for parent or None if no parent (e.g. top-level folder)

property subfolders: list[iPhotoFolderInfo]

Return list of folders (as FolderInfo objects) contained in the folder

property title: str

Title of folder

property uuid: str

UUID of folder

class osxphotos.iPhotoPersonInfo(face: dict[str, Any], db: iPhotoDB)[source]

PersonInfo implementation for iPhoto

asdict() dict[str, Any][source]

Return person as dict

property facecount: int

Count of faces for person

property favorite: bool

Returns False for iPhoto

property feature_less: bool

Always returns False for iPhoto

json() str[source]

Return person as json

property keyface: iPhotoFaceInfo | None

Key face for person

property keyphoto: iPhotoPhotoInfo | None

Key photo for person

property name: str

Name of person

property photos: list[iPhotoPhotoInfo]

List of photos face is contained in

property sort_order: int

Always returns 0 for iPhoto

property uuid: str

UUID of person

class osxphotos.iPhotoPhotoInfo(uuid: str, db: iPhotoDB)[source]

PhotoInfo implementation for iPhoto

property album_info: list[iPhotoAlbumInfo]

“Return list of iPhotoAlbumInfo objects for photo

property albums: list[str]

List of albums photo is contained in

asdict(shallow: bool = True) dict[str, Any][source]

Return dict representation of iPhotoPhotoInfo object.


shallow – if True, return shallow representation (does not contain folder_info, person_info, etc.)


dict representation of iPhotoPhotoInfo object


The shallow representation is used internally by export as it contains only the subset of data needed for export.

property burst: bool

Returns True if photo is part of a Burst photo set, otherwise False

property burst_album_info: list[iPhotoAlbumInfo]

For iPhoto, returns self.album_info; this is different behavior than Photos

property burst_albums: list[str]

For iPhoto, returns self.albums; this is different behavior than Photos

property burst_photos: list[PhotoInfo]

If photo is a burst photo, returns list of iPhotoPhotoInfo objects that are part of the same burst photo set; otherwise returns empty list. self is not included in the returned list

property date: datetime

Date photo was taken

property date_added: datetime

Date added to library

property date_modified: datetime

Date modified in library

property description: str

Description of photo

property event_info: iPhotoEventInfo | None

Return iPhotoEventInfo object for photo or None if photo is not in an event

property exif_info: iPhotoExifInfo[source]

Return iPhotoExifInfo object for photo

property exiftool: ExifToolCaching | None[source]

Returns a ExifToolCaching (read-only instance of ExifTool) object for the photo. Requires that exiftool (https://exiftool.org/) be installed If exiftool not installed, logs warning and returns None If photo path is missing, returns None

export(dest: str, filename: str | None = None, edited: bool = False, raw_photo: bool = False, export_as_hardlink: bool = False, overwrite: bool = False, increment: bool = True, sidecar_json: bool = False, sidecar_exiftool: bool = False, sidecar_xmp: bool = False, exiftool: bool = False, use_albums_as_keywords: bool = False, use_persons_as_keywords: bool = False, keyword_template: list[str] | None = None, description_template: str | None = None, render_options: RenderOptions | None = None, **kwargs) list[str][source]

Export a photo

  • dest – must be valid destination path (or exception raised)

  • filename – (optional): name of exported picture; if not provided, will use current filename NOTE: if provided, user must ensure file extension (suffix) is correct. For example, if photo is .CR2 file, edited image may be .jpeg. If you provide an extension different than what the actual file is, export will print a warning but will export the photo using the incorrect file extension (unless use_photos_export is true, in which case export will use the extension provided by Photos upon export; in this case, an incorrect extension is silently ignored). e.g. to get the extension of the edited photo, reference iPhotoPhotoInfo.path_edited

  • edited – (boolean, default=False); if True will export the edited version of the photo, otherwise exports the original version (or raise exception if no edited version)

  • raw_photo – (boolean, default=False); if True, will also export the associated RAW photo

  • export_as_hardlink – (boolean, default=False); if True, will hardlink files instead of copying them

  • overwrite – (boolean, default=False); if True will overwrite files if they already exist

  • increment – (boolean, default=True); if True, will increment file name until a non-existant name is found if overwrite=False and increment=False, export will fail if destination file already exists

  • sidecar_json – if set will write a json sidecar with data in format readable by exiftool sidecar filename will be dest/filename.json; includes exiftool tag group names (e.g. exiftool -G -j)

  • sidecar_exiftool – if set will write a json sidecar with data in format readable by exiftool sidecar filename will be dest/filename.json; does not include exiftool tag group names (e.g. exiftool -j)

  • sidecar_xmp – if set will write an XMP sidecar with IPTC data sidecar filename will be dest/filename.xmp

  • exiftool – (boolean, default = False); if True, will use exiftool to write metadata to export file

  • files (returns list of full paths to the exported)

  • use_albums_as_keywords – (boolean, default = False); if True, will include album names in keywords

  • sidecar (when exporting metadata with exiftool or)

  • use_persons_as_keywords – (boolean, default = False); if True, will include person names in keywords

  • sidecar

  • keyword_template – (list of strings); list of template strings that will be rendered as used as keywords

  • description_template – string; optional template string that will be rendered for use as photo description

  • render_options – an optional osxphotos.phototemplate.RenderOptions instance with options to pass to template renderer

Returns: list of paths to photos exported

property face_info: list[iPhotoFaceInfo]

List of iPhotoFaceInfo objects for photo

property favorite: bool

Returns True if photo is favorite; iPhoto doesn’t have favorite so always returns False

property filename: str

Filename of photo

property fingerprint: str | None[source]

Returns fingerprint of original photo as a string; returns None if not available. On linux, returns None.

property flagged: bool

Returns True if photo is flagged

property hasadjustments: bool

True if photo has adjustments

property height: int

Height of photo in pixels

property hexdigest: str[source]

Returns a unique digest of the photo’s properties and metadata; useful for detecting changes in any property/metadata of the photo

property hidden: bool

True if photo is hidden

property intrash: bool

True if photo is in the Photos trash

property ismissing: bool

Return True if asset is missing

property ismovie: bool

Return True if asset is a movie

property isphoto: bool

Return True if asset is a photo

property israw: bool

Return True if asset is a raw image

property isreference: bool

Return True if asset is a referenced file

json(indent: int | None = None, shallow: bool = True) str[source]

Return JSON representation

  • indent – indent level for JSON, if None, no indent

  • shallow – if True, return shallow JSON representation (does not contain folder_info, person_info, etc.)


JSON string


The shallow representation is used internally by export as it contains only the subset of data needed for export.

property keywords: list[str]

Keywords for photo

property latitude: float | None

Latitude of photo

property location: tuple[float, float] | tuple[None, None]

Location of photo as (latitude, longitude)

property longitude: float | None

Longitude of photo

property moment_info: iPhotoMomentInfo | None

Return iPhotoMomentInfo object for photo or None if photo is not in a moment; for iPhoto returns event as moment

property orientation: int

returns EXIF orientation of the current photo version as int or 0 if current orientation cannot be determined

property original_filename: str

Original filename of photo

property original_filesize: int

Size of original file in bytes

property original_height: int

Original height of photo in pixels

property original_width: int

Original width of photo in pixels

property path: str | None

Path to original photo asset in library

property path_derivatives: list[str]

Path to derivatives in library

property path_edited: str | None

Path to edited asset in library

property person_info: list[iPhotoPersonInfo]

List of iPhotoPersonInfo objects for photo

property persons: list[str]

List of persons in photo

property rating: int

Rating of photo as int from 0 to 5

property raw_original: bool

Return True if asset original is a raw image

render_template(template_str: str, options: RenderOptions | None = None) tuple[list[str], list[str]][source]

Renders a template string for iPhotoPhotoInfo instance using PhotoTemplate

  • template_str – a template string with fields to render

  • options – a RenderOptions instance


tuple of list of rendered strings and list of unmatched template values

Return type:

([rendered_strings], [unmatched])

property title: str | None

Title of photo

property tzoffset: int

TZ Offset from GMT in seconds

property uti: str | None

UTI of current version of photo (edited if hasadjustments, otherwise original)

property uti_edited: str | None

UTI of edited version of photo

property uti_original: str | None

UTI of original version of photo

property uti_raw: str | None

UTI of raw version of photo

property uuid: str

UUID of photo

property visible: bool

True if photo is visible in Photos; always returns False for iPhoto

property width: int

Width of photo in pixels


return debug flag

osxphotos.set_debug(debug: bool)[source]

set debug flag