"""PhotoInfo class: Represents a single photo in the Photos library and provides access to the photo's attributes
PhotosDB.photos() returns a list of PhotoInfo objects
from __future__ import annotations
import contextlib
import dataclasses
import datetime
import json
import logging
import os
import os.path
import pathlib
import plistlib
import re
from datetime import timedelta, timezone
from functools import cached_property
from types import SimpleNamespace
from typing import Any, Dict, Optional
import yaml
import osxphotos
from ._constants import (
from .adjustmentsinfo import AdjustmentsInfo
from .albuminfo import AlbumInfo, ImportInfo, ProjectInfo
from .bookmark import resolve_bookmark_path
from .commentinfo import CommentInfo, LikeInfo
from .exifinfo import ExifInfo, exifinfo_factory
from .exiftool import ExifToolCaching, get_exiftool_path
from .exportoptions import ExportOptions
from .momentinfo import MomentInfo
from .personinfo import FaceInfo, PersonInfo
from .photoexporter import PhotoExporter
from .phototables import PhotoTables
from .phototemplate import PhotoTemplate, RenderOptions
from .placeinfo import PlaceInfo4, PlaceInfo5
from .platform import assert_macos, is_macos
from .query_builder import get_query
from .scoreinfo import ScoreInfo
from .searchinfo import SearchInfo
from .shareinfo import ShareInfo, get_moment_share_info, get_share_info
from .shareparticipant import ShareParticipant, get_share_participants
from .uti import get_preferred_uti_extension, get_uti_for_extension
from .utils import _get_resource_loc, hexdigest, list_directory, path_exists
if is_macos:
from osxmetadata import OSXMetaData
from .text_detection import detect_text
__all__ = ["PhotoInfo", "PhotoInfoNone", "frozen_photoinfo_factory"]
logger = logging.getLogger("osxphotos")
class PhotoInfo:
Info about a specific photo, contains all the details about the photo
including keywords, persons, albums, uuid, path, etc.
def __init__(self, db: "osxphotos.PhotosDB", uuid: str, info: dict[str, Any]):
self._uuid: str = uuid
self._info: dict[str, Any] = info
self._db: "osxphotos.PhotosDB" = db
self._verbose = self._db._verbose
def _exiftool_path(self) -> str | None:
"""Path to exiftool as set in PhotosDB instance"""
return self._db._exiftool_path
def filename(self) -> str:
"""filename of the picture"""
if (
self._db._db_version <= _PHOTOS_4_VERSION
and self.has_raw
and self.raw_original
# return the JPEG version as that's what Photos 5+ does
return self._info["raw_pair_info"]["filename"]
return self._info["filename"]
def original_filename(self) -> str:
"""original filename of the picture
Photos 5 mangles filenames upon import"""
if (
self._db._db_version <= _PHOTOS_4_VERSION
and self.has_raw
and self.raw_original
# return the JPEG version as that's what Photos 5+ does
original_name = self._info["raw_pair_info"]["originalFilename"]
original_name = self._info["originalFilename"]
return original_name or self.filename
def date(self) -> datetime.datetime:
"""Asset creation date as timezone aware datetime object"""
return self._info["imageDate"]
def date_original(self) -> datetime.datetime:
"""Original creation date of asset as timezone aware datetime object.
If user has changed the asset's creation date in Photos, use this to access the original creation date
set when the asset was imported.
The original date is stored by Photos at import time
from the date in the photo's EXIF data. If this is not set (photo had no EXIF date) then `date_original`
returns the same value as `date`.
Photos 5+; on Photos version < 5, returns the same value as `date`.
if self._db._db_version <= _PHOTOS_4_VERSION:
return self.date
if self.exif_info and self.exif_info.date:
return self.exif_info.date
return self.date
def date_modified(self) -> datetime.datetime | None:
"""Asset modification date as timezone aware datetime.datetime object
in local timezone or None if no modification date set"""
# Photos <= 4 provides no way to get date of adjustment and will update
# lastmodifieddate anytime photo database record is updated (e.g. adding tags)
# only report lastmodified date for Photos <=4 if photo is edited;
# even in this case, the date could be incorrect
if not self.hasadjustments and self._db._db_version <= _PHOTOS_4_VERSION:
return None
return self._info["lastmodifieddate"] or None
def tzoffset(self) -> int:
"""Timezone offset from UTC in seconds for the Photo creation date"""
return self._info["imageTimeZoneOffsetSeconds"]
def tzname(self) -> str | None:
"""Timezone name for the Photos creation date; on Photos version < 5, returns None"""
return self._info["imageTimeZoneName"]
def path(self) -> str | None:
"""absolute path on disk of the original picture"""
return self._path
except AttributeError:
self._path = None
photopath = None
if self._info["isMissing"] == 1:
return photopath # path would be meaningless until downloaded
if self._db._db_version <= _PHOTOS_4_VERSION:
photopath = self._path_4()
photopath = self._path_5()
if photopath is not None and not os.path.isfile(photopath):
photopath = None
self._path = photopath
return photopath
def _path_5(self) -> str | None:
"""Returns candidate path for original photo on Photos >= version 5"""
if self._info["shared"]:
return self._path_5_shared()
if (
and self._db.photos_version >= 7
and self._path_shared_moment()
# path for photos in shared moments if it's in the shared moment folder
# the file may also be in the originals folder which the next check will catch
# check shared_moment first as a photo can be both a shared moment and syndicated
# and if so, will be in the shared moment folder
return self._path_shared_moment()
if self.syndicated and not self.saved_to_library:
# path for "shared with you" syndicated photos that have not yet been saved to the library
return self._path_syndication()
return (
os.path.join(self._info["directory"], self._info["filename"])
if self._info["directory"].startswith("/")
else os.path.join(
def _path_5_shared(self) -> str | None:
"""Returns candidate path for shared photo on Photos >= version 5"""
# shared library path differs on Photos 5-7, Photos 8+
shared_path = (
if self._db._photos_ver >= 8
if self.isphoto:
return os.path.join(
# a shared video has two files, the poster image and the video
# the poster (image frame shown in Photos) is named UUID.poster.JPG
# the video file is named UUID.medium.MP4
# this method returns the path to the video file
filename = f"{self.uuid}.medium.MP4"
return os.path.join(
def _path_syndication(self) -> str | None:
"""Return path for syndicated photo on Photos >= version 7"""
# Photos 7+ stores syndicated photos in a separate directory
# in ~/Photos Library.photoslibrary/scopes/syndication/originals/X/UUID.ext
# where X is first digit of UUID
syndication_path = "scopes/syndication/originals"
uuid_dir = self.uuid[0]
path = os.path.join(
return path if os.path.isfile(path) else None
def _path_shared_moment(self) -> str | None:
"""Return path for shared moment photo on Photos >= version 7"""
# Photos 7+ stores shared moment photos in a separate directory
# in ~/Photos Library.photoslibrary/scopes/momentshared/originals/X/UUID.ext
# where X is first digit of UUID
momentshared_path = "scopes/momentshared/originals"
uuid_dir = self.uuid[0]
path = os.path.join(
return path if os.path.isfile(path) else None
def _path_4(self) -> str | None:
"""Returns candidate path for original photo on Photos <= version 4"""
if self._info["has_raw"]:
# return the path to JPEG even if RAW is original
vol = (
if self._info["raw_pair_info"]["volumeId"] is not None
else None
if vol is not None:
photopath = os.path.join(
"/Volumes", vol, self._info["raw_pair_info"]["imagePath"]
photopath = os.path.join(
vol = self._info["volume"]
if vol is not None:
photopath = os.path.join("/Volumes", vol, self._info["imagePath"])
photopath = os.path.join(
self._db._masters_path, self._info["imagePath"]
return photopath
def path_edited(self) -> str | None:
"""absolute path on disk of the edited picture"""
""" None if photo has not been edited """
return self._path_edited
except AttributeError:
if self._db._db_version <= _PHOTOS_4_VERSION:
photopath = self._path_edited_4()
photopath = self._path_edited_5()
if photopath is not None and not os.path.isfile(photopath):
f"edited file for UUID {self._uuid} should be at {photopath} but does not appear to exist"
photopath = None
self._path_edited = photopath
return self._path_edited
def _path_edited_5(self) -> str | None:
"""Returns candidate path_edited for Photos >= 5 or None if cannot be determined"""
# In Photos 5.0 / Catalina / MacOS 10.15:
# edited photos appear to always be converted to .jpeg and stored in
# library_name/resources/renders/X/UUID_1_201_a.jpeg
# where X = first letter of UUID
# and UUID = UUID of image
# this seems to be true even for photos not copied to Photos library and
# where original format was not jpg/jpeg
# if more than one edit, previous edit is stored as UUID_p.jpeg
# In Photos 6.0 / Big Sur, the edited image is a .heic if the photo isn't a jpeg,
# otherwise it's a jpeg. It could also be a jpeg if photo library upgraded from earlier
# version.
if self._db._db_version < _PHOTOS_5_VERSION:
raise RuntimeError("Wrong database format!")
if self._info["hasAdjustments"]:
library = self._db._library_path
directory = self._uuid[0] # first char of uuid
filename = None
if self._info["type"] == _PHOTO_TYPE:
# it's a photo
if self._db._photos_ver != 5 and self.uti == "public.heic":
filename = f"{self._uuid}_1_201_a.heic"
filename = f"{self._uuid}_1_201_a.jpeg"
elif self._info["type"] == _MOVIE_TYPE:
# it's a movie
filename = f"{self._uuid}_2_0_a.mov"
# don't know what it is!
logger.debug(f"WARNING: unknown type {self._info['type']}")
return None
return os.path.join(library, "resources", "renders", directory, filename)
return None
def _get_predicted_path_edited_4(self) -> str | None:
"""return predicted path_edited for Photos <= 4"""
edit_id = self._info["edit_resource_id_photo"]
folder_id, file_id, nn_id = _get_resource_loc(edit_id)
# figure out what kind it is and build filename
library = self._db._library_path
if uti_edited := self.uti_edited:
ext = get_preferred_uti_extension(uti_edited)
if ext is not None:
filename = f"fullsizeoutput_{file_id}.{ext}"
return os.path.join(
library, "resources", "media", "version", folder_id, nn_id, filename
# if we get here, we couldn't figure out the extension
# so try to figure out the type and build the filename
type_ = self._info["type"]
if type_ == _PHOTO_TYPE:
# it's a photo
filename = f"fullsizeoutput_{file_id}.jpeg"
elif type_ == _MOVIE_TYPE:
# it's a movie
filename = f"fullsizeoutput_{file_id}.mov"
raise ValueError(f"Unknown type {type_}")
return os.path.join(
library, "resources", "media", "version", folder_id, nn_id, filename
def _path_edited_4(self) -> str | None:
"""return path_edited for Photos <= 4; #859"""
if not self._info["hasAdjustments"]:
return None
if edit_id := self._info["edit_resource_id"]:
photopath = self._get_predicted_path_edited_4()
except ValueError as e:
logger.debug(f"ERROR: {e}")
photopath = None
if photopath is not None and not os.path.isfile(photopath):
# the heuristic failed, so try to find the file
rootdir = pathlib.Path(photopath).parent.parent
filename = pathlib.Path(photopath).name
for dirname, _, filelist in os.walk(rootdir):
if filename in filelist:
photopath = os.path.join(dirname, filename)
# check again to see if we found a valid file
if photopath is not None and not os.path.isfile(photopath):
f"MISSING PATH: edited file for UUID {self._uuid} should be at {photopath} but does not appear to exist"
photopath = None
logger.debug(f"{self.uuid} hasAdjustments but edit_resource_id is None")
photopath = None
return photopath
def path_edited_live_photo(self) -> str | None:
"""return path to edited version of live photo movie"""
return self._path_edited_live_photo
except AttributeError:
if self._db._db_version < _PHOTOS_5_VERSION:
self._path_edited_live_photo = self._path_edited_4_live_photo()
self._path_edited_live_photo = self._path_edited_5_live_photo()
return self._path_edited_live_photo
def _get_predicted_path_edited_live_photo_4(self) -> str | None:
"""return predicted path_edited for Photos <= 4"""
# need the resource id for the video, not the photo (edit_resource_id is for photo)
if edit_id := self._info["edit_resource_id_video"]:
folder_id, file_id, nn_id = _get_resource_loc(edit_id)
# figure out what kind it is and build filename
library = self._db._library_path
filename = f"videocomplementoutput_{file_id}.mov"
return os.path.join(
library, "resources", "media", "version", folder_id, nn_id, filename
return None
def _path_edited_4_live_photo(self) -> str | None:
"""return path_edited_live_photo for Photos <= 4"""
if self._db._db_version > _PHOTOS_4_VERSION:
raise RuntimeError("Wrong database format!")
if not self.live_photo:
return None
photopath = self._get_predicted_path_edited_live_photo_4()
if photopath is not None and not os.path.isfile(photopath):
# the heuristic failed, so try to find the file
rootdir = pathlib.Path(photopath).parent.parent
filename = pathlib.Path(photopath).name
photopath = next(
os.path.join(dirname, filename)
for dirname, _, filelist in os.walk(rootdir)
if filename in filelist
return photopath
def _path_edited_5_live_photo(self) -> str | None:
"""return path_edited_live_photo for Photos >= 5"""
if self._db._db_version < _PHOTOS_5_VERSION:
raise RuntimeError("Wrong database format!")
if self.live_photo and self._info["hasAdjustments"]:
library = self._db._library_path
directory = self._uuid[0] # first char of uuid
filename = f"{self._uuid}_2_100_a.mov"
photopath = os.path.join(
library, "resources", "renders", directory, filename
if not os.path.isfile(photopath):
photopath = None
photopath = None
return photopath
def path_raw(self) -> str | None:
"""absolute path of associated RAW image or None if there is not one"""
# In Photos 5, raw is in same folder as original but with _4.ext
# Unless "Copy Items to the Photos Library" is not checked
# then RAW image is not renamed but has same name is jpeg but with raw extension
# Current implementation finds images with the correct raw UTI extension
# in same folder as the original and with same stem as original in form: original_stem*.raw_ext
# TODO: I don't like this -- would prefer a more deterministic approach but until I have more
# data on how Photos stores and retrieves RAW images, this seems to be working
if self._info["isMissing"] == 1:
return None # path would be meaningless until downloaded
if not self.has_raw:
return None # no raw image to get path for
# if self._info["shared"]:
# # shared photo
# photopath = os.path.join(
# self._db._library_path,
# self._info["directory"],
# self._info["filename"],
# )
# return photopath
if self._db._db_version <= _PHOTOS_4_VERSION:
return self._path_raw_4()
if not self.isreference:
filestem = pathlib.Path(self._info["filename"]).stem
# raw_ext = get_preferred_uti_extension(self._info["UTI_raw"])
if self._info["directory"].startswith("/"):
filepath = self._info["directory"]
filepath = os.path.join(self._db._masters_path, self._info["directory"])
if raw_file := list_directory(filepath, startswith=f"{filestem}_4"):
photopath = pathlib.Path(filepath) / raw_file[0]
photopath = str(photopath) if photopath.is_file() else None
photopath = None
# is a reference
photopath = (
/ self._info["raw_volume"]
/ self._info["raw_relative_path"]
photopath = str(photopath) if photopath.is_file() else None
except KeyError:
# don't have the path details
photopath = None
return photopath
def _path_raw_4(self) -> str | None:
"""Return path_raw for Photos <= version 4"""
vol = self._info["raw_info"]["volume"]
if vol is not None:
photopath = os.path.join(
"/Volumes", vol, self._info["raw_info"]["imagePath"]
photopath = os.path.join(
self._db._masters_path, self._info["raw_info"]["imagePath"]
if not os.path.isfile(photopath):
f"MISSING PATH: RAW photo for UUID {self._uuid} should be at {photopath} but does not appear to exist"
photopath = None
return photopath
def description(self) -> str:
"""long / extended description of picture"""
return self._info["extendedDescription"]
def persons(self) -> list[str]:
"""list of persons in picture"""
return sorted(
[self._db._dbpersons_pk[pk]["fullname"] for pk in self._info["persons"]],
key=lambda x: x or "",
def person_info(self) -> list[PersonInfo]:
"""list of PersonInfo objects for person in picture"""
return sorted(
[PersonInfo(db=self._db, pk=pk) for pk in self._info["persons"]],
key=lambda x: x.name or "",
def face_info(self) -> list[FaceInfo]:
"""list of FaceInfo objects for faces in picture"""
faces = self._db._db_faceinfo_uuid[self._uuid]
self._faceinfo = [FaceInfo(db=self._db, pk=pk) for pk in faces]
except KeyError:
# no faces
self._faceinfo = []
self._faceinfo = sorted(self._faceinfo, key=lambda x: x.name or "")
return self._faceinfo
def moment_info(self) -> MomentInfo | None:
"""Moment photo belongs to"""
return MomentInfo(db=self._db, moment_pk=self._info["momentID"])
except ValueError:
return None
def albums(self) -> list[str]:
"""list of albums picture is contained in"""
return self._albums
except AttributeError:
album_uuids = self._get_album_uuids()
self._albums = sorted(
{self._db._dbalbum_details[album]["title"] for album in album_uuids}
key=lambda x: x or "",
return self._albums
def burst_albums(self) -> list[str]:
"""If photo is burst photo, list of albums it is contained in as well as any albums the key photo is contained in, otherwise returns self.albums"""
burst_albums = list(self.albums)
for photo in self.burst_photos:
if photo.burst_key:
return sorted(list(set(burst_albums)), key=lambda x: x or "")
def album_info(self) -> list[AlbumInfo]:
"""list of AlbumInfo objects representing albums the photo is contained in"""
album_uuids = self._get_album_uuids()
return sorted(
[AlbumInfo(db=self._db, uuid=album) for album in album_uuids],
key=lambda x: x.title or "",
def burst_album_info(self) -> list[AlbumInfo]:
"""If photo is a burst photo, returns list of AlbumInfo objects representing albums the photo is contained in as well as albums the burst key photo is contained in, otherwise returns self.album_info."""
burst_album_info = list(self.album_info)
for photo in self.burst_photos:
if photo.burst_key:
return sorted(list(set(burst_album_info)), key=lambda x: x.title or "")
def import_info(self) -> ImportInfo | None:
"""ImportInfo object representing import session for the photo or None if no import session"""
return (
ImportInfo(db=self._db, uuid=self._info["import_uuid"])
if self._info["import_uuid"] is not None
else None
def project_info(self) -> list[ProjectInfo]:
"""list of ProjectInfo objects representing projects for the photo or None if no projects"""
project_uuids = self._get_album_uuids(project=True)
return sorted(
[ProjectInfo(db=self._db, uuid=album) for album in project_uuids],
key=lambda x: x.title,
def keywords(self) -> list[str]:
"""list of keywords for picture"""
return sorted(self._info["keywords"])
def title(self) -> str | None:
"""name / title of picture"""
# if user sets then deletes title, Photos sets it to empty string in DB instead of NULL
# in this case, return None so result is the same as if title had never been set (which returns NULL)
# issue #512
title = self._info["name"]
return None if title == "" else title
def uuid(self) -> str:
"""UUID of picture"""
return self._uuid
def ismissing(self) -> bool:
"""returns true if photo is missing from disk (which means it's not been downloaded from iCloud)
NOTE: the photos.db database uses an asynchrounous write-ahead log so changes in Photos
do not immediately get written to disk. In particular, I've noticed that downloading
an image from the cloud does not force the database to be updated until something else
e.g. an edit, keyword, etc. occurs forcing a database synch
The exact process / timing is a mystery to be but be aware that if some photos were recently
downloaded from cloud to local storate their status in the database might still show
isMissing = 1
return self._info["isMissing"] == 1
def hasadjustments(self) -> bool:
"""True if picture has adjustments / edits"""
return bool(self._info["hasAdjustments"])
def adjustments_path(self) -> pathlib.Path | None:
"""Returns path to adjustments file or none if file doesn't exist"""
if self._db._db_version <= _PHOTOS_4_VERSION:
return None
if not self.hasadjustments:
return None
library = self._db._library_path
directory = self._uuid[0] # first char of uuid
plist_file = (
/ "resources"
/ "renders"
/ directory
/ f"{self._uuid}.plist"
if not plist_file.is_file():
return None
return plist_file
def adjustments(self) -> AdjustmentsInfo | None:
"""Returns AdjustmentsInfo class for adjustment data or None if no adjustments; Photos 5+ only"""
return self._adjustmentinfo
except AttributeError:
plist_file = self.adjustments_path
if plist_file is None:
return None
self._adjustmentinfo = AdjustmentsInfo(plist_file)
return self._adjustmentinfo
def external_edit(self) -> bool:
"""Returns True if picture was edited outside of Photos using external editor"""
return self._info["adjustmentFormatID"] == "com.apple.Photos.externalEdit"
def favorite(self) -> bool:
"""True if picture is marked as favorite"""
return self._info["favorite"] == 1
def flagged(self) -> bool:
"""Returns True if photo is flagged; iPhoto only; on Photos always returns False"""
return False
def rating(self) -> int:
"""Star rating of photo as int from 0 to 5; for iPhoto, returns star rating; for Photos, always returns 0"""
return 0
def hidden(self) -> bool:
"""True if picture is hidden"""
return self._info["hidden"] == 1
def visible(self) -> bool:
"""True if picture is visble"""
return self._info["visible"]
def intrash(self) -> bool:
"""True if picture is in trash ('Recently Deleted' folder)"""
return self._info["intrash"]
def date_trashed(self) -> datetime.datetime | None:
"""Date asset was placed in the trash or None.
Returns a timezone aware datetime.datetime object in the local timezone."""
return self._info["trasheddate"] or None
def date_added(self) -> datetime.datetime | None:
"""Date photo was added to the database or None if no added date is recorded.
Returns a timezone aware datetime.datetime object in the local timezone
return self._info["added_date"] or None
def location(self) -> tuple[float, float] | tuple[None, None]:
"""Returns (latitude, longitude) as float in degrees or None"""
return (self._latitude, self._longitude)
def latitude(self) -> float | None:
"""Returns latitude as float in degrees or None"""
return self._latitude
def longitude(self) -> float | None:
"""Returns longitude as float in degrees or None"""
return self._longitude
def shared(self) -> bool | None:
"""returns True if photos is in a shared iCloud album otherwise false
Only valid on Photos 5; returns None on older versions"""
if self._db._db_version > _PHOTOS_4_VERSION:
return self._info["shared"]
return None
def uti(self) -> str:
"""Returns Uniform Type Identifier (UTI) for the image
for example: public.jpeg or com.apple.quicktime-movie
if self._db._db_version <= _PHOTOS_4_VERSION and self.hasadjustments:
return self._info["UTI_edited"]
elif (
self._db._db_version <= _PHOTOS_4_VERSION
and self.has_raw
and self.raw_original
# return UTI of the non-raw image to match Photos 5+ behavior
return self._info["raw_pair_info"]["UTI"]
return self._info["UTI"]
def uti_original(self) -> str:
"""Returns Uniform Type Identifier (UTI) for the original image
for example: public.jpeg or com.apple.quicktime-movie
return self._uti_original
except AttributeError:
if self._db._db_version <= _PHOTOS_4_VERSION and self._info["has_raw"]:
self._uti_original = self._info["raw_pair_info"]["UTI"]
elif self.shared:
# TODO: need reliable way to get original UTI for shared
self._uti_original = self.uti
elif self._db._photos_ver >= 7:
# Monterey+
# there are some cases with UTI_original is None (photo imported with no extension) so fallback to UTI and hope it's right
self._uti_original = (
or self.uti
self._uti_original = self._info["UTI_original"]
return self._uti_original
def uti_edited(self) -> str | None:
"""Returns Uniform Type Identifier (UTI) for the edited image
if the photo has been edited, otherwise None;
for example: public.jpeg
if self._db._db_version >= _PHOTOS_5_VERSION:
return self.uti if self.hasadjustments else None
return self._info["UTI_edited"]
def uti_raw(self) -> str | None:
"""Returns Uniform Type Identifier (UTI) for the RAW image if there is one
for example: com.canon.cr2-raw-image
Returns None if no associated RAW image
if self._db._photos_ver < 7:
return self._info["UTI_raw"]
if rawpath := self.path_raw:
return get_uti_for_extension(pathlib.Path(rawpath).suffix)
return None
def ismovie(self) -> bool:
"""Returns True if file is a movie, otherwise False"""
return self._info["type"] == _MOVIE_TYPE
def isphoto(self) -> bool:
"""Returns True if file is an image, otherwise False"""
return self._info["type"] == _PHOTO_TYPE
def incloud(self) -> bool | None:
"""Returns True if photo is cloud asset and is synched to cloud
False if photo is cloud asset and not yet synched to cloud
None if photo is not cloud asset
return self._info["incloud"]
def iscloudasset(self) -> bool:
"""Returns True if photo is a cloud asset (in an iCloud library),
otherwise False
if self._db._db_version <= _PHOTOS_4_VERSION:
return (
if self._info["cloudLibraryState"] is not None
and self._info["cloudLibraryState"] != 0
else False
return True if self._info["cloudAssetGUID"] is not None else False
def isreference(self) -> bool:
"""Returns True if photo is a reference (not copied to the Photos library), otherwise False"""
return self._info["isreference"]
def burst(self) -> bool:
"""Returns True if photo is part of a Burst photo set, otherwise False"""
return self._info["burst"]
def burst_selected(self) -> bool:
"""Returns True if photo is a burst photo and has been selected from the burst set by the user, otherwise False"""
return bool(self._info["burstPickType"] & BURST_SELECTED)
def burst_key(self) -> bool:
"""Returns True if photo is a burst photo and is the key image for the burst set (the image that Photos shows on top of the burst stack), otherwise False"""
return bool(self._info["burstPickType"] & BURST_KEY)
def burst_default_pick(self) -> bool:
"""Returns True if photo is a burst image and is the photo that Photos selected as the default image for the burst set, otherwise False"""
return bool(self._info["burstPickType"] & BURST_DEFAULT_PICK)
def burst_photos(self) -> list[PhotoInfo]:
"""If photo is a burst photo, returns list of PhotoInfo objects
that are part of the same burst photo set; otherwise returns empty list.
self is not included in the returned list"""
if self._info["burst"]:
burst_uuid = self._info["burstUUID"]
return [
PhotoInfo(db=self._db, uuid=u, info=self._db._dbphotos[u])
for u in self._db._dbphotos_burst[burst_uuid]
if u != self._uuid
return []
def live_photo(self) -> bool:
"""Returns True if photo is a live photo, otherwise False"""
return self._info["live_photo"]
def path_live_photo(self) -> str | None:
"""Returns path to the associated video file for a live photo
If photo is not a live photo, returns None
If photo is missing, returns None"""
if self._db._db_version <= _PHOTOS_4_VERSION:
return self._path_live_photo_4()
elif not (self.live_photo and self.path and not self.ismissing):
# if photo is missing or original path missing, cannot determine path to live photo
return None
if self.shared:
return self._path_live_photo_shared_5()
if self.shared_moment and self._db.photos_version >= 7:
return self._path_live_shared_moment()
if self.syndicated and not self.saved_to_library:
# syndicated ("Shared with you") photos not yet saved to library
return self._path_live_syndicated()
if self.isreference:
return self._path_live_referenced()
filename = pathlib.Path(self.path)
photopath = filename.parent.joinpath(f"{filename.stem}_3.mov")
# live photo may be missing, in which case return None
return str(photopath) if photopath.is_file() else None
def _path_live_photo_shared_5(self) -> str | None:
"""Return path for live photo for shared photos"""
if not self.shared:
raise ValueError(f"photo {self.uuid} is not a shared photo")
if not self.live_photo:
raise ValueError(f"photo {self.uuid} is not a live photo")
photopath = self._path_5_shared()
if photopath:
photopath = pathlib.Path(photopath).with_suffix(".MOV")
if not path_exists(photopath):
photopath = None
return photopath
def _path_live_photo_4(self) -> str | None:
"""Return path for live edited photo for Photos <= 4"""
if self.live_photo and not self.ismissing:
live_model_id = self._info["live_model_id"]
if live_model_id is None:
logger.debug(f"missing live_model_id: {self._uuid}")
photopath = None
folder_id, file_id, nn_id = _get_resource_loc(live_model_id)
library_path = self._db.library_path
photopath = os.path.join(
if not os.path.isfile(photopath):
# In testing, I've seen occasional missing movie for live photo
# These appear to be valid -- e.g. live component hasn't been downloaded from iCloud
# photos 4 has "isOnDisk" column we could check
# or could do the actual check with "isfile"
# TODO: should this be a warning or debug?
photopath = None
photopath = None
return photopath
def _path_live_syndicated(self) -> str | None:
"""Return path for live syndicated photo on Photos >= version 7"""
# Photos 7+ stores live syndicated photos in a separate directory
# in ~/Photos Library.photoslibrary/scopes/syndication/originals/X/UUID_3.mov
# where X is first digit of UUID
syndication_path = "scopes/syndication/originals"
uuid_dir = self.uuid[0]
filename = f"{pathlib.Path(self.filename).stem}_3.mov"
live_photo = os.path.join(
return live_photo if os.path.isfile(live_photo) else None
def _path_live_shared_moment(self) -> str | None:
"""Return path for live shared moment photo on Photos >= version 7"""
# Photos 7+ stores live shared moment photos in a separate directory
# in ~/Photos Library.photoslibrary/scopes/momentshared/originals/X/UUID_3.mov
# where X is first digit of UUID
shared_moment_path = "scopes/momentshared/originals"
uuid_dir = self.uuid[0]
filename = f"{pathlib.Path(self.filename).stem}_3.mov"
live_photo = os.path.join(
return live_photo if os.path.isfile(live_photo) else None
def _path_live_referenced(self) -> str | None:
"""Return path for live video for a referenced photo"""
query = get_query(
"referenced_live_photo", self._db.photos_version, uuid=self.uuid
if result := self._db.execute(query).fetchone():
_, volume, path_relative, bookmark = result
path = pathlib.Path("/Volumes") / volume / path_relative
if path.exists():
return str(path)
# path didn't exist so try to resolve from the bookmark data
# this only works on macOS
if is_macos:
if path := resolve_bookmark_path(bookmark):
if path.exists():
return str(path)
return None
def path_derivatives(self) -> list[str]:
"""Return any derivative (preview) images associated with the photo as a list of paths, sorted by file size (largest first)"""
if self._db._db_version <= _PHOTOS_4_VERSION:
return self._path_derivatives_4()
if self.shared:
return self._path_derivatives_5_shared()
directory = self._uuid[0] # first char of uuid
if self.shared_moment and self._db.photos_version >= 7:
# shared moments
derivative_path = "scopes/momentshared/resources/derivatives"
thumb_path = (
elif self.syndicated and not self.saved_to_library:
# syndicated ("Shared with you") photos not yet saved to library
derivative_path = "scopes/syndication/resources/derivatives"
thumb_path = (
derivative_path = "resources/derivatives"
thumb_path = (
derivative_path = (
thumb_path = pathlib.Path(self._db._library_path).joinpath(thumb_path)
# find all files that start with uuid in derivative path
files = list(derivative_path.glob(f"{self.uuid}*.*"))
# previews may be missing from derivatives path
# there are what appear to be low res thumbnails in the "masters" subfolder
if path_exists(thumb_path):
# sort by file size, largest first
files = sorted(files, reverse=True, key=lambda f: f.stat().st_size)
# return list of filename but skip .THM files (these are actually low-res thumbnails in JPEG format but with .THM extension)
derivatives = [str(filename) for filename in files if filename.suffix != ".THM"]
if self.isphoto and len(derivatives) > 1 and derivatives[0].endswith(".mov"):
# ensure .mov is first in list as poster image could be larger than the movie preview
derivatives[1], derivatives[0] = derivatives[0], derivatives[1]
return derivatives
def _path_derivatives_4(self) -> list[str]:
"""Return paths to all derivative (preview) files for Photos <= 4"""
modelid = self._info["modelID"]
if modelid is None:
return []
folder_id, file_id, nn_id = _get_resource_loc(modelid)
derivatives_root = (
/ f"resources/proxies/derivatives/{folder_id}"
derivatives_path = derivatives_root / nn_id / file_id
if derivatives_path.is_dir():
files = derivatives_path.glob("*")
files = sorted(files, reverse=True, key=lambda f: f.stat().st_size)
return [str(filename) for filename in files]
# didn't find derivatives path
for subdir in derivatives_root.glob("*"):
if subdir.is_dir():
derivatives_path = derivatives_root / subdir / file_id
if derivatives_path.is_dir():
files = derivatives_path.glob("*")
files = sorted(files, reverse=True, key=lambda f: f.stat().st_size)
return [str(filename) for filename in files]
# didn't find a derivatives path
return []
def _path_derivatives_5_shared(self) -> list[str]:
"""Return paths to all derivative (preview) files for shared iCloud photos in Photos >= 5"""
directory = self._uuid[0] # first char of uuid
# only 1 derivative for shared photos and it's called 'UUID_4_5005_c.jpeg'
derivative_path = (
if self._db._photos_ver >= 8
derivative_path = (
/ derivative_path
/ f"{directory}/{self.uuid}_4_5005_c.jpeg"
return [str(derivative_path)] if path_exists(derivative_path) else []
def panorama(self) -> bool:
"""Returns True if photo is a panorama, otherwise False"""
return self._info["panorama"]
def slow_mo(self) -> bool:
"""Returns True if photo is a slow motion video, otherwise False"""
return self._info["slow_mo"]
def time_lapse(self) -> bool:
"""Returns True if photo is a time lapse video, otherwise False"""
return self._info["time_lapse"]
def hdr(self) -> bool:
"""Returns True if photo is an HDR photo, otherwise False"""
return self._info["hdr"]
def screenshot(self) -> bool:
"""Returns True if photo is a screenshot, otherwise False"""
return self._info["screenshot"]
def screen_recording(self) -> bool:
"""Returns True if video is a screen_recording, otherwise False"""
return self._info["screen_recording"]
def portrait(self) -> bool:
"""Returns True if photo is a portrait, otherwise False"""
return self._info["portrait"]
def selfie(self) -> bool:
"""Returns True if photo is a selfie (front facing camera), otherwise False"""
return self._info["selfie"]
def place(self) -> PlaceInfo4 | PlaceInfo5 | None:
"""Returns PlaceInfo object containing reverse geolocation info"""
# implementation note: doesn't create the PlaceInfo object until requested
# then memoizes the object in self._place to avoid recreating the object
if self._db._db_version <= _PHOTOS_4_VERSION:
return self._place # pylint: disable=access-member-before-definition
except AttributeError:
if self._info["placeNames"]:
self._place = PlaceInfo4(
self._info["placeNames"], self._info["countryCode"]
self._place = None
return self._place
return self._place # pylint: disable=access-member-before-definition
except AttributeError:
if self._info["reverse_geolocation"]:
self._place = PlaceInfo5(self._info["reverse_geolocation"])
except Exception as e:
# sometimes the reverse geolocation data is corrupted
# and this can cause a UnsupportedArchiver error
f"Error creating PlaceInfo5 for {self.uuid}: {str(e)}"
self._place = None
self._place = None
return self._place
def has_raw(self) -> bool:
"""returns True if photo has an associated raw image (that is, it's a RAW+JPEG pair), otherwise False"""
return self._info["has_raw"]
def israw(self) -> bool:
"""returns True if photo is a raw image. For images with an associated RAW+JPEG pair, see has_raw"""
return "raw-image" in self.uti_original if self.uti_original else False
def raw_original(self) -> bool:
"""returns True if associated raw image and the raw image is selected in Photos
via "Use RAW as Original "
otherwise returns False"""
return self._info["raw_is_original"]
def height(self) -> int:
"""returns height of the current photo version in pixels"""
return self._info["height"]
def width(self) -> int:
"""returns width of the current photo version in pixels"""
return self._info["width"]
def orientation(self) -> int:
"""returns EXIF orientation of the current photo version as int or 0 if current orientation cannot be determined"""
if self._db._db_version <= _PHOTOS_4_VERSION:
return self._info["orientation"]
# For Photos 5+, try to get the adjusted orientation
if not self.hasadjustments:
return self._info["orientation"]
if self.adjustments:
return self.adjustments.adj_orientation
# can't reliably determine orientation for edited photo if adjustmentinfo not available
return 0
def original_height(self) -> int:
"""returns height of the original photo version in pixels"""
return self._info["original_height"]
def original_width(self) -> int:
"""returns width of the original photo version in pixels"""
return self._info["original_width"]
def original_orientation(self) -> int:
"""returns EXIF orientation of the original photo version as int"""
return self._info["original_orientation"]
def original_filesize(self) -> int:
"""returns filesize of original photo in bytes as int"""
return self._info["original_filesize"]
def duplicates(self) -> list[PhotoInfo]:
"""return list of PhotoInfo objects for possible duplicates (matching signature of original size, date, height, width) or empty list if no matching duplicates"""
signature = self._db._duplicate_signature(self.uuid)
duplicates = []
for uuid in self._db._db_signatures[signature]:
if uuid != self.uuid:
# found a possible duplicate
except KeyError:
# don't expect this to happen as the signature should be in db
logging.warning(f"Did not find signature for {self.uuid} in _db_signatures")
return duplicates
def owner(self) -> str | None:
"""Return name of photo owner for shared photos (Photos 5+ only), or None if not shared"""
if self._db._db_version <= _PHOTOS_4_VERSION:
return None
return self._owner
except AttributeError:
personid = self._info["cloudownerhashedpersonid"]
self._owner = (
if personid
else None
except KeyError:
self._owner = None
return self._owner
def score(self) -> ScoreInfo:
"""Computed score information for a photo
ScoreInfo instance
if self._db._db_version <= _PHOTOS_4_VERSION:
return None
return self._scoreinfo # pylint: disable=access-member-before-definition
except AttributeError:
scores = self._db._db_scoreinfo_uuid[self.uuid]
self._scoreinfo = ScoreInfo(
return self._scoreinfo
except KeyError:
self._scoreinfo = ScoreInfo(
return self._scoreinfo
def search_info(self) -> SearchInfo | None:
"""returns SearchInfo object for photo
only valid on Photos 5, on older libraries, returns None
if self._db._db_version <= _PHOTOS_4_VERSION:
return None
# memoize SearchInfo object
return self._search_info
except AttributeError:
self._search_info = SearchInfo(self)
return self._search_info
def search_info_normalized(self) -> SearchInfo | None:
"""returns SearchInfo object for photo that produces normalized results
only valid on Photos 5, on older libraries, returns None
if self._db._db_version <= _PHOTOS_4_VERSION:
return None
# memoize SearchInfo object
return self._search_info_normalized
except AttributeError:
self._search_info_normalized = SearchInfo(self, normalized=True)
return self._search_info_normalized
def syndicated(self) -> bool | None:
"""Return true if photo was shared via syndication (e.g. via Messages, etc.);
these are photos that appear in "Shared with you" album.
Photos 7+ only; returns None if not Photos 7+.
if self._db.photos_version < 7:
return None
return (
is not None
except KeyError:
return False
def saved_to_library(self) -> bool | None:
"""Return True if syndicated photo has been saved to library;
returns False if photo is not syndicated or has not been saved to the library.
Returns None if not Photos 7+.
Syndicated photos are photos that appear in "Shared with you" album; Photos 7+ only.
if self._db.photos_version < 7:
return None
return self._db._db_syndication_uuid[self.uuid]["syndication_history"] != 0
except KeyError:
return False
def shared_moment(self) -> bool:
"""Returns True if photo is part of a shared moment otherwise False (Photos 7+ only)"""
return bool(self._info["moment_share"])
def shared_moment_info(self) -> ShareInfo | None:
"""Returns ShareInfo object with information about the shared moment the photo is part of (Photos 7+ only)"""
if self._db.photos_version < 7:
return None
return get_moment_share_info(self._db, self.uuid)
except ValueError:
return None
def share_info(self) -> ShareInfo | None:
"""Returns ShareInfo object with information about the shared photo in a shared iCloud library (Photos 8+ only) (currently experimental)"""
if self._db.photos_version < 8:
return None
return get_share_info(self._db, self.uuid)
except ValueError:
return None
def shared_library(self) -> bool:
"""Returns True if photo is in a shared iCloud library otherwise False (Photos 8+ only)"""
# TODO: this is just a guess right now as I don't currently use shared libraries
return bool(self._info["active_library_participation_state"])
def share_participant_info(self) -> list[ShareParticipant]:
"""Returns list of ShareParticipant objects with information on who the photo is shared with (Photos 8+ only)"""
if self._db.photos_version < 8:
return []
return get_share_participants(self._db, self.uuid)
def share_participants(self) -> list[str]:
"""Returns list of names of people the photo is shared with (Photos 8+ only)"""
if self._db.photos_version < 8:
return []
return [
f"{p.name_components.given_name} {p.name_components.family_name}"
for p in self.share_participant_info
def labels(self) -> list[str]:
"""returns list of labels applied to photo by Photos image categorization
only valid on Photos 5, on older libraries returns empty list
if self._db._db_version <= _PHOTOS_4_VERSION:
return []
return self.search_info.labels
def labels_normalized(self) -> list[str]:
"""returns normalized list of labels applied to photo by Photos image categorization
only valid on Photos 5, on older libraries returns empty list
if self._db._db_version <= _PHOTOS_4_VERSION:
return []
return self.search_info_normalized.labels
def comments(self) -> list[CommentInfo]:
"""Returns list of CommentInfo objects for any comments on the photo (sorted by date)"""
return self._db._db_comments_uuid[self.uuid]["comments"]
return []
def likes(self) -> list[LikeInfo]:
"""Returns list of LikeInfo objects for any likes on the photo (sorted by date)"""
return self._db._db_comments_uuid[self.uuid]["likes"]
return []
def exif_info(self) -> ExifInfo | None:
"""Returns an ExifInfo object with the EXIF data for photo
Note: the returned EXIF data is the data Photos stores in the database on import;
ExifInfo does not provide access to the EXIF info in the actual image file
Some or all of the fields may be None
Only valid for Photos 5; on earlier database returns None
if self._db._db_version <= _PHOTOS_4_VERSION:
return None
exif = self._db._db_exifinfo_uuid[self.uuid]
return exifinfo_factory(exif)
except KeyError:
logger.debug(f"Could not find exif record for uuid {self.uuid}")
return exifinfo_factory(None)
def exiftool(self) -> ExifToolCaching | None:
"""Returns a ExifToolCaching (read-only instance of ExifTool) object for the photo.
Requires that exiftool (https://exiftool.org/) be installed
If exiftool not installed, logs warning and returns None
If photo path is missing, returns None
# return the memoized instance if it exists
return self._exiftool
except AttributeError:
exiftool_path = self._db._exiftool_path or get_exiftool_path()
if self.path is not None and os.path.isfile(self.path):
exiftool = ExifToolCaching(self.path, exiftool=exiftool_path)
exiftool = None
except FileNotFoundError:
# get_exiftool_path raises FileNotFoundError if exiftool not found
exiftool = None
"exiftool not in path; download and install from https://exiftool.org/"
self._exiftool = exiftool
return self._exiftool
def hexdigest(self) -> str:
"""Returns a unique digest of the photo's properties and metadata;
useful for detecting changes in any property/metadata of the photo"""
return hexdigest(self._json_hexdigest())
def cloud_guid(self) -> str:
"""Returns the GUID of the photo in iCloud (Photos 5+ only)"""
return self._info["cloudMasterGUID"]
def cloud_owner_hashed_id(self) -> str:
"""Returns the hashed iCloud ID of the owner of the shared photo (Photos 5+ only)"""
return self._info["cloudownerhashedpersonid"]
def fingerprint(self) -> str | None:
"""Returns fingerprint of original photo as a string or None if not available"""
return self._info["masterFingerprint"]
def detected_text(
) -> list[tuple[str, float]]:
"""Detects text in photo and returns lists of results as (detected text, confidence)
confidence_threshold: float between 0.0 and 1.0. If text detection confidence is below this threshold,
text will not be returned. Default is TEXT_DETECTION_CONFIDENCE_THRESHOLD
If photo is edited, uses the edited photo, otherwise the original; falls back to the preview image if neither edited or original is available
Returns: list of (detected text, confidence) tuples
return self._detected_text_cache[confidence_threshold]
except (AttributeError, KeyError) as e:
if isinstance(e, AttributeError):
self._detected_text_cache = {}
detected_text = self._detected_text()
except Exception as e:
logging.warning(f"Error detecting text in photo {self.uuid}: {e}")
detected_text = []
self._detected_text_cache[confidence_threshold] = [
(text, confidence)
for text, confidence in detected_text
if confidence >= confidence_threshold
return self._detected_text_cache[confidence_threshold]
def _detected_text(self):
"""detect text in photo, either from cached extended attribute or by attempting text detection"""
path = (
self.path_edited if self.hasadjustments and self.path_edited else self.path
path = path or self.path_derivatives[0] if self.path_derivatives else None
if not path:
return []
md = OSXMetaData(path)
def decoder(val):
"""Decode value from JSON"""
return json.loads(val.decode("utf-8"))
detected_text = md.get_xattr(
"osxphotos.metadata:detected_text", decode=decoder
except KeyError:
detected_text = None
if detected_text is None:
orientation = self.orientation or None
detected_text = detect_text(path, orientation)
def encoder(obj):
"""Encode value as JSON"""
val = json.dumps(obj)
return val.encode("utf-8")
"osxphotos.metadata:detected_text", detected_text, encode=encoder
return detected_text
def _longitude(self) -> float:
"""Returns longitude, in degrees"""
return self._info["longitude"]
def _latitude(self) -> float:
"""Returns latitude, in degrees"""
return self._info["latitude"]
def render_template(
self, template_str: str, options: Optional[RenderOptions] = None
) -> tuple[list[str], list[str]]:
"""Renders a template string for PhotoInfo instance using PhotoTemplate
template_str: a template string with fields to render
options: a RenderOptions instance
([rendered_strings], [unmatched]): tuple of list of rendered strings and list of unmatched template values
options = options or RenderOptions()
template = PhotoTemplate(self, exiftool_path=self._db._exiftool_path)
return template.render(template_str, options)
def export(
render_options: Optional[RenderOptions] = None,
) -> list[str]:
"""Export a photo
dest: must be valid destination path (or exception raised)
filename: (optional): name of exported picture; if not provided, will use current filename
**NOTE**: if provided, user must ensure file extension (suffix) is correct.
For example, if photo is .CR2 file, edited image may be .jpeg.
If you provide an extension different than what the actual file is,
export will print a warning but will export the photo using the
incorrect file extension (unless use_photos_export is true, in which case export will
use the extension provided by Photos upon export; in this case, an incorrect extension is
silently ignored).
e.g. to get the extension of the edited photo,
reference PhotoInfo.path_edited
edited: (boolean, default=False); if True will export the edited version of the photo, otherwise exports the original version
(or raise exception if no edited version)
live_photo: (boolean, default=False); if True, will also export the associated .mov for live photos
raw_photo: (boolean, default=False); if True, will also export the associated RAW photo
export_as_hardlink: (boolean, default=False); if True, will hardlink files instead of copying them
overwrite: (boolean, default=False); if True will overwrite files if they already exist
increment: (boolean, default=True); if True, will increment file name until a non-existant name is found
if overwrite=False and increment=False, export will fail if destination file already exists
sidecar_json: if set will write a json sidecar with data in format readable by exiftool
sidecar filename will be dest/filename.json; includes exiftool tag group names (e.g. `exiftool -G -j`)
sidecar_exiftool: if set will write a json sidecar with data in format readable by exiftool
sidecar filename will be dest/filename.json; does not include exiftool tag group names (e.g. `exiftool -j`)
sidecar_xmp: if set will write an XMP sidecar with IPTC data
sidecar filename will be dest/filename.xmp
use_photos_export: (boolean, default=False); if True will attempt to export photo via applescript interaction with Photos
timeout: (int, default=120) timeout in seconds used with use_photos_export
exiftool: (boolean, default = False); if True, will use exiftool to write metadata to export file
returns list of full paths to the exported files
use_albums_as_keywords: (boolean, default = False); if True, will include album names in keywords
when exporting metadata with exiftool or sidecar
use_persons_as_keywords: (boolean, default = False); if True, will include person names in keywords
when exporting metadata with exiftool or sidecar
keyword_template: (list of strings); list of template strings that will be rendered as used as keywords
description_template: string; optional template string that will be rendered for use as photo description
render_options: an optional osxphotos.phototemplate.RenderOptions instance with options to pass to template renderer
list of photos exported
exporter = PhotoExporter(self)
sidecar = 0
if sidecar_json:
sidecar |= SIDECAR_JSON
if sidecar_exiftool:
if sidecar_xmp:
sidecar |= SIDECAR_XMP
if not filename:
if not edited:
filename = self.original_filename
original_name = pathlib.Path(self.original_filename)
if self.path_edited:
ext = pathlib.Path(self.path_edited).suffix
uti = self.uti_edited if edited and self.uti_edited else self.uti
ext = get_preferred_uti_extension(uti)
ext = f".{ext}"
filename = f"{original_name.stem}_edited{ext}"
options = ExportOptions(
results = exporter.export(dest, filename=filename, options=options)
return results.exported
def _get_album_uuids(self, project=False) -> list[str]:
"""Return list of album UUIDs this photo is found in
Filters out albums in the trash and any special album types
if project is True, returns special "My Project" albums (e.g. cards, calendars, slideshows)
Returns: list of album UUIDs
if self._db._db_version <= _PHOTOS_4_VERSION:
album_kind = [_PHOTOS_4_ALBUM_KIND]
album_type = (
if project
album_list = []
for album in self._info["albums"]:
detail = self._db._dbalbum_details[album]
if (
detail["kind"] in album_kind
and detail["albumType"] in album_type
and not detail["intrash"]
and detail["folderUuid"] != _PHOTOS_4_ROOT_FOLDER
# in Photos <= 4, special albums like "printAlbum" have kind _PHOTOS_4_ALBUM_KIND
# but should not be listed here; they can be distinguished by looking
# for folderUuid of _PHOTOS_4_ROOT_FOLDER as opposed to _PHOTOS_4_TOP_LEVEL_ALBUM
return album_list
# Photos 5+
album_kind = (
if project
album_list = []
for album in self._info["albums"]:
detail = self._db._dbalbum_details[album]
if detail["kind"] in album_kind and not detail["intrash"]:
return album_list
def __repr__(self) -> str:
return f"osxphotos.{self.__class__.__name__}(db={self._db}, uuid='{self._uuid}', info={self._info})"
def __str__(self) -> str:
"""string representation of PhotoInfo object"""
date_iso = self.date.isoformat()
date_modified_iso = (
self.date_modified.isoformat() if self.date_modified else None
exif = str(self.exif_info) if self.exif_info else None
score = str(self.score) if self.score else None
info = {
"uuid": self.uuid,
"filename": self.filename,
"original_filename": self.original_filename,
"date": date_iso,
"description": self.description,
"title": self.title,
"keywords": self.keywords,
"albums": self.albums,
"persons": self.persons,
"path": self.path,
"ismissing": self.ismissing,
"hasadjustments": self.hasadjustments,
"external_edit": self.external_edit,
"favorite": self.favorite,
"hidden": self.hidden,
"latitude": self._latitude,
"longitude": self._longitude,
"path_edited": self.path_edited,
"shared": self.shared,
"isphoto": self.isphoto,
"ismovie": self.ismovie,
"uti": self.uti,
"burst": self.burst,
"live_photo": self.live_photo,
"path_live_photo": self.path_live_photo,
"iscloudasset": self.iscloudasset,
"incloud": self.incloud,
"date_modified": date_modified_iso,
"portrait": self.portrait,
"screenshot": self.screenshot,
"screen_recording": self.screen_recording,
"slow_mo": self.slow_mo,
"time_lapse": self.time_lapse,
"hdr": self.hdr,
"selfie": self.selfie,
"panorama": self.panorama,
"has_raw": self.has_raw,
"uti_raw": self.uti_raw,
"path_raw": self.path_raw,
"place": self.place,
"exif": exif,
"score": score,
"intrash": self.intrash,
"height": self.height,
"width": self.width,
"orientation": self.orientation,
"original_height": self.original_height,
"original_width": self.original_width,
"original_orientation": self.original_orientation,
"original_filesize": self.original_filesize,
return yaml.dump(info, sort_keys=False)
def asdict(self, shallow: bool = True) -> dict[str, Any]:
"""Return dict representation of PhotoInfo object.
shallow: if True, return shallow representation (does not contain folder_info, person_info, etc.)
dict representation of PhotoInfo object
The shallow representation is used internally by export as it contains only the subset of data needed for export.
comments = [comment.asdict() for comment in self.comments]
exif_info = dataclasses.asdict(self.exif_info) if self.exif_info else {}
face_info = [face.asdict() for face in self.face_info]
folders = {album.title: album.folder_names for album in self.album_info}
likes = [like.asdict() for like in self.likes]
place = self.place.asdict() if self.place else {}
score = dataclasses.asdict(self.score) if self.score else {}
# do not add any new properties to data_dict as this is used by export to determine
# if a photo needs to be re-exported and adding new properties may cause all photos
# to be re-exported
# see below `if not shallow:`
dict_data = {
"albums": self.albums,
"burst": self.burst,
"cloud_guid": self.cloud_guid,
"cloud_owner_hashed_id": self.cloud_owner_hashed_id,
"comments": comments,
"date_added": self.date_added,
"date_modified": self.date_modified,
"date_trashed": self.date_trashed,
"date": self.date,
"description": self.description,
"exif_info": exif_info,
"external_edit": self.external_edit,
"face_info": face_info,
"favorite": self.favorite,
"filename": self.filename,
"fingerprint": self.fingerprint,
"folders": folders,
"has_raw": self.has_raw,
"hasadjustments": self.hasadjustments,
"hdr": self.hdr,
"height": self.height,
"hidden": self.hidden,
"incloud": self.incloud,
"intrash": self.intrash,
"iscloudasset": self.iscloudasset,
"ismissing": self.ismissing,
"ismovie": self.ismovie,
"isphoto": self.isphoto,
"israw": self.israw,
"isreference": self.isreference,
"keywords": self.keywords,
"labels": self.labels,
"latitude": self._latitude,
"library": self._db._library_path,
"likes": likes,
"live_photo": self.live_photo,
"location": self.location,
"longitude": self._longitude,
"orientation": self.orientation,
"original_filename": self.original_filename,
"original_filesize": self.original_filesize,
"original_height": self.original_height,
"original_orientation": self.original_orientation,
"original_width": self.original_width,
"owner": self.owner,
"panorama": self.panorama,
"path_edited_live_photo": self.path_edited_live_photo,
"path_edited": self.path_edited,
"path_live_photo": self.path_live_photo,
"path_raw": self.path_raw,
"path": self.path,
"persons": self.persons,
"place": place,
"portrait": self.portrait,
"raw_original": self.raw_original,
"score": score,
"screenshot": self.screenshot,
"selfie": self.selfie,
"shared": self.shared,
"slow_mo": self.slow_mo,
"time_lapse": self.time_lapse,
"title": self.title,
"tzoffset": self.tzoffset,
"uti_edited": self.uti_edited,
"uti_original": self.uti_original,
"uti_raw": self.uti_raw,
"uti": self.uti,
"uuid": self.uuid,
"visible": self.visible,
"width": self.width,
# non-shallow keys
# add any new properties here
if not shallow:
dict_data["album_info"] = [album.asdict() for album in self.album_info]
dict_data["path_derivatives"] = self.path_derivatives
dict_data["adjustments"] = (
self.adjustments.asdict() if self.adjustments else {}
dict_data["burst_album_info"] = [a.asdict() for a in self.burst_album_info]
dict_data["burst_albums"] = self.burst_albums
dict_data["burst_default_pick"] = self.burst_default_pick
dict_data["burst_key"] = self.burst_key
dict_data["burst_photos"] = [p.uuid for p in self.burst_photos]
dict_data["burst_selected"] = self.burst_selected
dict_data["cloud_metadata"] = self.cloud_metadata
dict_data["import_info"] = (
self.import_info.asdict() if self.import_info else {}
dict_data["labels_normalized"] = self.labels_normalized
dict_data["person_info"] = [p.asdict() for p in self.person_info]
dict_data["project_info"] = [p.asdict() for p in self.project_info]
dict_data["search_info"] = (
self.search_info.asdict() if self.search_info else {}
dict_data["search_info_normalized"] = (
if self.search_info_normalized
else {}
dict_data["syndicated"] = self.syndicated
dict_data["saved_to_library"] = self.saved_to_library
dict_data["shared_moment"] = self.shared_moment
dict_data["shared_library"] = self.shared_library
dict_data["rating"] = self.rating
dict_data["screen_recording"] = self.screen_recording
dict_data["date_original"] = self.date_original
return dict_data
def json(self, indent: int | None = None, shallow: bool = True) -> str:
"""Return JSON representation
indent: indent level for JSON, if None, no indent
shallow: if True, return shallow JSON representation (does not contain folder_info, person_info, etc.)
JSON string
The shallow representation is used internally by export as it contains only the subset of data needed for export.
def default(o):
if isinstance(o, (datetime.date, datetime.datetime)):
return o.isoformat()
dict_data = self.asdict(shallow=True) if shallow else self.asdict(shallow=False)
for k, v in dict_data.items():
# sort lists such as keywords so JSON is consistent
# but do not sort certain items like location
if k in ["location"]:
if v and isinstance(v, (list, tuple)) and not isinstance(v[0], dict):
dict_data[k] = sorted(v, key=lambda v: v if v is not None else "")
return json.dumps(dict_data, sort_keys=True, default=default, indent=indent)
def tables(self) -> PhotoTables | None:
"""Return PhotoTables object to provide access database tables associated with this photo (Photos 5+)"""
return None if self._db._photos_ver < 5 else PhotoTables(self)
def _json_hexdigest(self) -> str:
"""JSON for use by hexdigest()"""
# This differs from json() because hexdigest must not change if metadata changed
# With json(), sort order of lists of dicts is not consistent but these aren't needed
# for computing hexdigest so we can ignore them
# also don't use visible because it changes based on Photos UI state
def default(o):
if isinstance(o, (datetime.date, datetime.datetime)):
return o.isoformat()
dict_data = self.asdict(shallow=True)
for k in ["face_info", "visible"]:
del dict_data[k]
for k, v in dict_data.items():
# sort lists such as keywords so JSON is consistent
# but do not sort certain items like location
if k in ["location"]:
if v and isinstance(v, (list, tuple)) and not isinstance(v[0], dict):
dict_data[k] = sorted(v, key=lambda v: v if v is not None else "")
return json.dumps(dict_data, sort_keys=True, default=default)
def __eq__(self, other) -> bool:
"""Compare two PhotoInfo objects for equality"""
# Can't just compare the two __dicts__ because some methods (like albums)
# memoize their value once called in an instance variable (e.g. self._albums)
if isinstance(other, self.__class__):
return (
self._db.db_path == other._db.db_path
and self.uuid == other.uuid
and self._info == other._info
return False
def __ne__(self, other) -> bool:
"""Compare two PhotoInfo objects for inequality"""
return not self.__eq__(other)
def __hash__(self) -> int:
"""Make PhotoInfo hashable"""
return hash(self.uuid)
class PhotoInfoNone:
"""Mock class that returns None for all attributes"""
def __init__(self):
def __getattribute__(self, name):
return None
def frozen_photoinfo_factory(photo: PhotoInfo) -> SimpleNamespace:
"""Return a frozen SimpleNamespace object for a PhotoInfo object"""
photo_json = photo.json()
def _object_hook(d: dict[Any, Any]):
if not d:
return d
# if d key matches a ISO 8601 datetime ('2023-03-24T06:46:57.690786', '2019-07-04T16:24:01-07:00', '2019-07-04T16:24:01+07:00'), convert to datetime
# fromisoformat will also handle dates with timezone offset in form +0700, etc.
for k, v in d.items():
if isinstance(v, str) and re.match(
r"\d{4}-\d{2}-\d{2}T\d{2}:\d{2}:\d{2}[.]?\d*[+-]?\d{2}[:]?\d{2}?", v
d[k] = datetime.datetime.fromisoformat(v)
return SimpleNamespace(**d)
frozen = json.loads(photo_json, object_hook=lambda d: _object_hook(d))
# add on json() method to frozen object
def _json(*args):
return photo_json
frozen.json = _json
# add hexdigest property to frozen object
frozen.hexdigest = photo.hexdigest
def detected_text(confidence_threshold=TEXT_DETECTION_CONFIDENCE_THRESHOLD):
"""Detects text in photo and returns lists of results as (detected text, confidence)
confidence_threshold: float between 0.0 and 1.0. If text detection confidence is below this threshold,
text will not be returned. Default is TEXT_DETECTION_CONFIDENCE_THRESHOLD
If photo is edited, uses the edited photo, otherwise the original; falls back to the preview image if neither edited or original is available
Returns: list of (detected text, confidence) tuples
return frozen._detected_text_cache[confidence_threshold]
except (AttributeError, KeyError) as e:
if isinstance(e, AttributeError):
frozen._detected_text_cache = {}
detected_text = frozen._detected_text()
except Exception as e:
logging.warning(f"Error detecting text in photo {frozen.uuid}: {e}")
detected_text = []
frozen._detected_text_cache[confidence_threshold] = [
(text, confidence)
for text, confidence in detected_text
if confidence >= confidence_threshold
return frozen._detected_text_cache[confidence_threshold]
def _detected_text():
"""detect text in photo, either from cached extended attribute or by attempting text detection"""
path = (
if frozen.hasadjustments and frozen.path_edited
else frozen.path
path = path or frozen.path_derivatives[0] if frozen.path_derivatives else None
if not path:
return []
md = OSXMetaData(path)
def decoder(val):
"""Decode value from JSON"""
return json.loads(val.decode("utf-8"))
detected_text = md.get_xattr(
"osxphotos.metadata:detected_text", decode=decoder
except KeyError:
detected_text = None
if detected_text is None:
orientation = frozen.orientation or None
detected_text = detect_text(path, orientation)
def encoder(obj):
"""Encode value as JSON"""
val = json.dumps(obj)
return val.encode("utf-8")
"osxphotos.metadata:detected_text", detected_text, encode=encoder
return detected_text
frozen.detected_text = detected_text
frozen._detected_text = _detected_text
return frozen